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Re: gold key for edt mode

Hi John, Guenter,

I did more tests to find out about the gold key. It is a long
story and I hope someone can confirm what I see.

Several tests with Johns from the

On WindowsXP:

1. jed.rc:
   () = evalfile("emacs");           % Emacs-like bindings
   setkey ("showkey", "^]");         % Ctrl-]
   () = evalfile("edt-john");             % EDT emulation

Pressing ^] Numlock gives: Key "GOLD" runs the S-Lang function "edt_line".
So: Numlock send "\eOp" (lower case!) -> bound to edt_line
I do not understand this... Certainly wrong.

2. jed.rc:
   () = evalfile("emacs");           % Emacs-like bindings
   setkey ("showkey", "^]");         % Ctrl-]
   () = evalfile("edt-john");             % EDT emulation

Pressing ^] Numlock gives: Key "GOLD" runs the S-Lang function "edt_line".
So: the same problem.

3. jed.rc:
   () = evalfile("emacs");           % Emacs-like bindings
   setkey ("showkey", "^]");         % Ctrl-]
   () = evalfile("edt-john");             % EDT emulation

Pressing ^] Numlock TWICE gives: Key "GOLD GOLD" runs the S-Lang function
So: that is correct. So I do it and I see the message "GOLD OFF"
Doing it again has no effect (should have given "GOLD ON").
So "edt_togglekp" does not work.
This is not quite what you want because typing on the keypad will insert
numbers 0-9 into the buffer and it is not easy to switch back.
(you can do it via esc-x edt_togglekp)


On a Putty terminal (or on TeraTerm) connected to a Linux host:
I can not put some line with NUMLOCK_IS_GOLD in, because that
variable is undefined. So I test:

4. jed.rc:
   () = evalfile("emacs");           % Emacs-like bindings
   setkey ("showkey", "^]");         % Ctrl-]
   () = evalfile("edt-john");             % EDT emulation

Pressing ^] Numlock TWICE gives: Key "GOLD GOLD" runs the S-Lang function
So: that is correct. So I do it and I see the message "GOLD OFF"
Doing it again has no effect (should have given "GOLD ON").
Same as above: "edt_togglekp" does not work.


On a Putty terminal (or on TeraTerm) connected to a Linux host:

5. jed.rc:
   () = evalfile("emacs");           % Emacs-like bindings
   setkey ("showkey", "^]");         % Ctrl-]
   variable Key_Gold = Key_F12;
   () = evalfile("");             % EDT emulation

Pressing ^] F12 TWICE gives: Key "ESC [ 2 4 ~ ESC [ 2 4 ~" runs the S-Lang
         function "edt_togglekp".
So: that is correct. So I do it and I see the message "Numeric"
Doing it again has the right effect, I see the message "Application"

Pressing ^] Numlock gives Key "GOLD" runs the S-Lang function "edt_line".
So: Numlock send "\eOp" (lower case!) -> bound to edt_line
I do not understand this... Certainly wrong.


So there are two kinds of problems:
A. edt_togglekp can not be executed by the Numlock key. (windows&linux)
   So do not bind this function to Numlock.

B. The Numlock key starts to send something different (\eOp) once
   I define a different Key_Gold. That I do not understand.

This is the reason why I modified the lines at the beginning of Johns file. With my modification below, these problems are avoided.

!if (is_defined ("NUMLOCK_IS_GOLD"))
  eval ("variable NUMLOCK_IS_GOLD = 0;");
  custom_variable ("Key_Gold", "^@;");  %  IBM F1 key
  custom_variable ("Key_Gold", "\eOP"); %  VTxxx PF1 key
!if (is_defined ("Key_Gold"))
  custom_variable ("Key_Gold", "\eOP");
if ((Key_Gold == NULL) or (Key_Gold == "") or (Key_Gold == "\eOP"))
  Key_Gold = "\eOP";
else {
  setkey("kbd_quit", "\eOP");           %  make sure \eOP is bound

With the following lines at the very beginning of my

#ifnexists Key_Gold
variable Key_Gold = Key_KP_7;   % seems a good choice on all operating systems
setkey("edt_page", Key_KP_7);   %% page (FormFeed delimited pages ...)

I choose the new Gold key, just in case there is nothing defined
in jed.rc. A side effect is that Numlock will be bound to a harmless function "kbd_quit" and I do not see the "\eOp" anymore.


| T.A.M. Wijnen       see also

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