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[jed-users] Re: VT100 compatible terminal emulator?

On Tue 2021-07-27 (06:53), Roland Hughes wrote:

> Visit DECUS and create an account on Eisner so you have an actual 
> OpenVMS system to connect with.

DECUS is still alive?! Interesting news! I have to check it later :-)

> If VMS doesn't show you as a VT102 that is your problem. Despite what 
> you want to believe, one of your tweaks has xterm in Tektronix or some 
> other non-VT102 mode.

In any case, there should still be the xterm main menu on Ctrl-Mousebutton1

> Install Oracle Virtualbox on some higher end platform
> Create a shiny new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VM and apply all updates
> Install xterm.
> create ~/bin
> create a DEC-U-SERV executable file using the xterm script I pasted here 
> earlier, but your own username.
> from the command line type DEC-U-SERV and log in.
> I bet you have all of the menus.

It is just simpler:

When I create a test user on my Xubuntu 18, this user has a xterm with
normal popup menus. Same binary of course.

I KNOW that there is a bug in my user configuration but where and what? I
cannot delete all of my config files, there are hundreds of hours of work
in them!

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK         
Universitaet Stuttgart         E-Mail: horlacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Allmandring 30a                Tel:    ++49-711-68565868
70569 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:
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