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[jed-users] Re: VT100 compatible terminal emulator?

On Mon 2021-07-26 (11:38), Roland Hughes wrote:

> >> The menu with fonts is now tied to Ctrl<Btn2Down> using the dec-u-serve
> >> script I posted earlier. By button 2 I mean the far right mouse button.
> > Some time ago it worked for me this way too.
> > But I probably misconfigured something, because there is no more
> > action on Ctrl-Mousebutton.
> > I have spent several hours in debugging but I cannot find what went wrong.
> > Therefore I am looking for Plan B: another terminal emulator.
> You didn't do this did you?

The problem is, that there are NO popup-menus at all in xterm any more,
not only too small ones.


I am using already xbindkeys, but I want xterm specific actions!
With xbindkeys I can only start other programs.

> change your +tb xterm option to -tb so you get the toolbar which will 
> have the menu options.

This works only with very new xterms versions, not with the one delivered
by Ubuntu.
But I can compile and install a newer xterm version.

> The *vtMenu* sets various modes in the VT102 emulation, and is popped up 
> when the CONTROL key and pointer button two are pressed in the VT102 window.
> You aren't in VT102 mode anymore. You have a -t instead of a +t on your 
> command line options. 

No, I do not use -t or +t

> Either that or you have TERM and TERMCAP 
> environment variables set so that you are either in VT220 or some 
> Tektronix mode. The vtMenu will not come up if you are not in VT102 mode.

I do not have *any* xterm popup (any more)!
No mainMenu, vtMenu, fontMenu, tekMenu

As I wrote: I surely have misconfigured something... but where and what
and how can I debug it?

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK         
Universitaet Stuttgart         E-Mail: horlacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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