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Re: [jed-users] VT100 compatible terminal emulator?

Yes.  In the mid-2000s I had a major issue with the terminal not differentiating between these:

Konsole does this just fine now, and I know a few other emulators do as well.
Back then, I had to edit this konsole keyterm file extensively.

With numlock on, the number pad 0 produces 0 in JED in Konsole.

Guake will probably work as well.  Gnome terminal should also with proper settings, as I used it under Windows WSL v1, and got the 8 above keys working independently.

On 7/26/21 5:02 AM, Ulli Horlacher wrote:

I am using jed with edt mode since I was forced to switch from VMS to UNIX
in the early 1990's.

The edt function keys are hardwired in my brain, because it was my first

So far, I was using jed within the classical xterm terminal emulator, but
for some unknown reasons the xterm popup menus (font selection, etc) are
not working any more for me.

The VTE based terminal emulators like gnome-terminal or xfce4-terminal
have a bad VT100 support: they have no application keypad mode, which I
REALLY need. For example, on a VT100 or xterm the key "0" on the numeric
keypad produce <ESC>Op, whereas gnome-terminal produces just 0. Therefore,
their VT100 mode is very bad = broken for me.

Are there any other X11 terminal emulators with a good VT100 support?

I cannot use xjed, because many of my hosts do not have X11.

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