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Re: Newbie question

Jan Bakuwel wrote:
Hoi Marko,

 > When I'm using the standard jed key bindings (ie. no .jedrc file,
Emacs?) and press Alt-F, the file menu pops down. When I press F10, the
menu activates. When I press Esc-F, the file menu pops down too. So that
all seems to work.

When I use the enhanced BRIEF key bindings, it all changes. I do get
some of the BRIEF key bindings (for instance Alt-L to mark a line, but
not Alt-B to show the buffers nor Alt-E to edit another file). F10
results in a "M-x" prompt. I haven't been able to access any of the menus.

There was a keybinding in that prevented menu access. The reason
is that when you press Alt-F on jed to access the menu, jed recieves
a keysequence "Esc f" which is then converted to "Esc m...." to which
a function to display the menus is bound. Quite complicated...

The problem is that in BRIEF the combination Alt-M is bound to begin-mark

I disabled the keybinding and now you can access the menus in the
usual way or by pressing Alt-M.

You have to use Alt-A to begin marking a region. In this emulation
Alt-A and Alt-M would have the same meaning since JED only supports
inclusive marks.

Also all the keys that are used to access the menus are in conflict
with BRIEF keybindings. You can enable the desired keybindings
by uncommenting the lines near the end of (just delete
the % at the beginning of line), but you will loose direct menu

The corrected file is attached.

(There seems to be a problem with CVS at sourceforge and I cannot commit
the new version)

The + key on the keypad generates a "+" with both the standard and
enhanced BRIEF mode key bindings.

This is a problem with some terminals. When you press a keypad key
the terminal just returns what is written on the key ("+") istead
of a special keycode. So it is impossible to distinguish between
a normal "+" and a keypad "+".

Maybe it can be changed in the terminal configuration file, but I
have no experience with that.

If you use xterm, I think it should work correctly. I think that
x-keydefs prepares an X class terminal to make the distinction.

Hope this helps.

%    Brief editor emulation
% This will not work well on konsole or in an x-terminal
% because of the heavy dependence on "exotic" keys.
% Try with DOS, MS-Windows, or X-Windows and an IBMPC keyboard
% Copyright (c) 2005 John E Davis, Günter Milde
% Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (ver. 2 or later)
% 2003-08-18 Guenter Milde 
%   - work with X-windows and a IBMPC keyboard using
% 2005-10-11 Marko Mahnic
%   - double/triple home/end handling
%   - more Brief keybindings (based on emacs brief.el)
%   - more Brief-like region marking, copying, yanking
%   - page up/dn (mostly) leaves cursor on same screen line
%   - Brief-like macro recording (F7)
% 2005-10-12 Guenter Milde
%   - fixed dependency on x-keydefs (kp_keydefs is obsolete)
% 2006-03-07 Marko Mahnic
%   - added support for named scraps with region type info in blocal vars
% 2006-03-15 Marko Mahnic
%   - disabled the "\em" keybinding that prevented menu access
%   - disabled the "\es" keybinding (Search menu)
_Jed_Emulation = "brief";

% load the extended set of symbolic key definitions (variables Key_*)

set_status_line("(Jed %v) Brief: %b    (%m%a%n%o)  %p   %t", 1);
Help_File = Null_String;

autoload ("scroll_up_in_place",		"emacsmsc");
autoload ("scroll_down_in_place",	"emacsmsc");

private variable Brief_HomeEnd_Count = 0;
define brief_home ()
   if (LAST_KBD_COMMAND != "brief_home") {
      Brief_HomeEnd_Count = 0;
      bol ();
   else {
      switch (Brief_HomeEnd_Count)
	{case 1: goto_top_of_window (); }
	{case 2: bob (); }
	{bol (); }

define brief_end ()
   if (LAST_KBD_COMMAND != "brief_end") {
      Brief_HomeEnd_Count = 0;
      eol ();
   else {
      switch (Brief_HomeEnd_Count)
	{case 1: goto_bottom_of_window (); eol (); }
	{case 2: eob (); }
	{eol (); }

define brief_line_to_eow ()
   recenter (window_info ('r'));

define brief_line_to_bow ()
   recenter (1);

define brief_line_to_mow ()
   recenter (window_info ('r') / 2);

define brief_set_bkmrk_cmd (n)
   ungetkey (n + '0');
   bkmrk_set_mark ();

define brief_delete_to_bol ()
   push_mark ();
   del_region ();

define brief_open_line ()
   eol ();
   newline ();
   indent_line ();

private define onoff(val)
   if (val) return "on"; 
   else return "off";

define brief_toggle_case_search ()
   vmessage ("Case sensitive search is %s.", onoff(CASE_SEARCH));

variable Brief_Regexp_Search = 1;
define brief_toggle_regexp ()
   Brief_Regexp_Search = not (Brief_Regexp_Search);
   vmessage ("Regular expression search is %s.", onoff(Brief_Regexp_Search));

variable Brief_Search_Forward = 1;
define brief_search_cmd ()
   if (Brief_Search_Forward) {
      if (Brief_Regexp_Search) re_search_forward ();
      else search_forward ();
   else {
      if (Brief_Regexp_Search) re_search_backward ();
      else search_backward ();

define brief_reverse_search ()
   Brief_Search_Forward = not (Brief_Search_Forward);
   brief_search_cmd ();

define brief_replace_cmd()
   variable bWiden = 0;
   if (markp()) {
      push_spot ();
      bWiden = 1;
   if (Brief_Regexp_Search) query_replace_match ();
   else replace_cmd();
   if (bWiden) {
      widen_region ();

%%  0 - No mark
%%  1 - Normal    3 - Line
%%  2 - Column    4 - Noninclusive
variable Brief_Mark_Type = 0;


private variable Brief_Scrap_Type = "Brief_Scrap_Type";
private define brief_get_scrap_type(scbuf)
   variable b, v = 1;
   !if (bufferp(scbuf)) return 1;
   b = whatbuf();
   if (blocal_var_exists(Brief_Scrap_Type))
      v = get_blocal_var(Brief_Scrap_Type);
   return v;

private define brief_set_scrap_type(scbuf, sctype)
   variable b;
   !if (bufferp(scbuf)) return;
   b = whatbuf();
   set_blocal_var(sctype, Brief_Scrap_Type);


private variable Brief_Scrap_Type = 0;
private define brief_get_scrap_type(scbuf)
   return Brief_Scrap_Type;

private define brief_set_scrap_type(scbuf, sctype)
   Brief_Scrap_Type = sctype;

#endif %% HAS_BLOCAL_VAR

private variable Brief_Scrap_Buf_Format = " <scrap-%s>";
private define brief_get_scrap_name ()
   variable b, scrps;
   scrps = "";
   loop (buffer_list ())
      b = ();
      if (1 == is_substr(b, " <scrap-"))
         b = strtrim(b[[8:]], ">");
         if (scrps == "") scrps = b;
         else scrps = scrps + "," + b;
   variable name = read_with_completion (scrps, "Scrap name:", "", "", 's');
   name = strtrim (name);
   if (name == "") name = NULL;
   return name;

define brief_yank_lines ()
   call ("mark_spot");
   bol (); 
   call ("yank"); 
   pop_spot ();

define brief_yank ()
   switch (brief_get_scrap_type(" <paste>"))
     { case 2: insert_rect (); message ("Columns inserted."); }
     { case 3: brief_yank_lines (); message ("Lines inserted."); }
     { call ("yank"); message ("Scrap inserted.");}

define brief_yank_named ()
   variable sctype, scbuf, b;
   variable scrapname = brief_get_scrap_name();
   if (scrapname == NULL) return;
   scbuf = sprintf(Brief_Scrap_Buf_Format, scrapname);
   !if (bufferp(scbuf))
      message ("No such scrap.");
   b = whatbuf();
   sctype = brief_get_scrap_type(scbuf);
   if (sctype == 2) setbuf(" <rect>");
   else setbuf(" <paste>");

   switch (sctype)
     { case 2: insert_rect (); vmessage ("Columns from scrap '%s' inserted.", scrapname); }
     { case 3: brief_yank_lines (); vmessage ("Lines from scrap '%s' inserted.", scrapname);}
     { call ("yank"); vmessage ("Scrap '%s' inserted.", scrapname);}

% Prototype: brief_complete_line_region ()
% Makes a line region complete including whole first line
% and whole last line (with newline character).
define brief_complete_line_region ()
   check_region (0);           %% region is canonical
   exchange_point_and_mark (); %% mark entire first line
   bol ();
   check_region (0);
   !if (eobp ()) {
      go_down_1 (); 
      bol ();

% Returns 1 if the region was automarked, 0 otherwise.
define brief_check_marked_automark ()
   if (markp() == 0) {                % not marked --> copy line
      if (eobp() and bolp()) return (0);
      set_mark_cmd ();
      Brief_Mark_Type = 3;
      return (1);
   else if (Brief_Mark_Type == 0) {   % marked, but wrong type --> copy region
      Brief_Mark_Type = 1;
   return (0);

private define brief_region_to_scrap(opinfo, macro, rectmacro, namedscrap)
   variable b, what = NULL;   

   if (brief_check_marked_automark()) what = "Line";
   if (Brief_Mark_Type == 2) {
      if (is_internal(rectmacro)) call (rectmacro);
      else eval(rectmacro);
      what = "Columns";
   else if (Brief_Mark_Type == 3) {
      push_spot ();
      brief_complete_line_region ();
      if (is_internal(macro)) call (macro);
      else eval(macro);
      pop_spot ();
      if (what == NULL) what = "Lines";
   else {
      if (is_internal(macro)) call (macro);
      else eval(macro);
      what = "Region";
   if (namedscrap == NULL or namedscrap == "")
      vmessage ("%s %s to scrap.", what, opinfo);
      brief_set_scrap_type(" <paste>", Brief_Mark_Type);
      vmessage ("%s %s to scrap '%s'.", what, opinfo, namedscrap);
      b = whatbuf();
      what = sprintf(Brief_Scrap_Buf_Format, namedscrap);
      if (Brief_Mark_Type == 2) insbuf(" <rect>");
      else insbuf(" <paste>");
      brief_set_scrap_type(what, Brief_Mark_Type);
   Brief_Mark_Type = 0;

define brief_copy_region ()
   brief_region_to_scrap("copied", "copy_region", "copy_rect", NULL);

define brief_kill_region ()
   brief_region_to_scrap("cut", "kill_region", "kill_rect", NULL);

define brief_copy_region_named ()
   variable name = brief_get_scrap_name();
   if (name != NULL)
      brief_region_to_scrap("copied", "copy_region", "copy_rect", name);

define brief_kill_region_named ()
   variable name = brief_get_scrap_name();
   if (name != NULL)
      brief_region_to_scrap("cut", "kill_region", "kill_rect", name);

define brief_delete ()
   if (markp ()) {
      if (Brief_Mark_Type == 2)  {
	 kill_rect ();
      else if (Brief_Mark_Type == 3) {
	 brief_complete_line_region ();
	 del_region ();
      else {
	 del_region ();
      Brief_Mark_Type = 0;
   del ();
   Brief_Mark_Type = 0;

% int brief_unmark (int MarkType)
% If a region is marked and it is of type MarkType,
% the region is unmarked, 1 is returned. It returns
% 0 otherwise.
define brief_unmark (n)
   if (markp ()) {
      if (Brief_Mark_Type == n) {
	 smart_set_mark_cmd ();
	 message ("Mark unset");
	 Brief_Mark_Type = 0;
	 return (1);
   return (0);

define brief_line_mark ()
   !if (brief_unmark (3)) {
      Brief_Mark_Type = 3;
      push_spot ();
      eol (); goto_column (what_column () / 2);
      set_mark_cmd ();
      pop_spot ();
      message ("Line mark set.");

% void brief_set_mark_cmd (int MarkType)
define brief_set_mark_cmd (n)
   !if (brief_unmark (n)) {
      Brief_Mark_Type = n;
      if (Brief_Mark_Type == 1) {
	 set_mark_cmd ();
      else {
	 smart_set_mark_cmd ();

define brief_set_column_mark ()
   !if (brief_unmark (2)) {
      Brief_Mark_Type = 2;
      set_mark_cmd ();
      message ("Column mark set.");

define brief_record_kbdmacro ()
      call ("end_macro");
      call ("begin_macro");

% Prototype: brief_next_buffer (int direction)
% This function changes the current buffer depending on value of
% direction:
%    if direction >= 0 ==> next buffer
%    if direction  < 0 ==> prev buffer
% It skips system buffers and buffers with names beginning with '*'. 
define brief_next_buffer (direction)
   variable n, buf;
   if (MINIBUFFER_ACTIVE) return;

   n = buffer_list ();		       %/* buffers on stack */
   if (direction < 0) {
      _stk_roll (-n);
      pop ();
   loop (n) {
      if (direction < 0) _stk_roll (-n);
      buf = ();
      if (buf[0] == ' ') continue;
      if (buf[0] == '*' and buf != "*scratch*") continue;
      sw2buf (buf);
      loop (n) pop ();

% int Brief_Last_Column
% Records the last column position before PageUp/PageDown commands.
% Used in brief_pageup () and brief_page_down () to restore the 
% column position after movement.
private variable Brief_Last_Column = 0;
private define brief_store_last_column ()
   if (LAST_KBD_COMMAND == "brief_pagedown" or
       LAST_KBD_COMMAND == "brief_pageup")
   Brief_Last_Column = what_column ();

% Prototype: brief_pageup ()
% Moves one page up leaving the cursor on the same position in the
% window.
define brief_pageup ()
   variable woffs;
      call ("page_up");
   brief_store_last_column ();
   woffs = window_line ();
   go_up (window_info ('r'));
   while (is_line_hidden() and not bobp()) go_up_1();
   recenter (woffs);
   () = goto_column_best_try (Brief_Last_Column);

% Prototype: brief_pagedown ()
% Moves one page down leaving the cursor on the same position in the
% window.
define brief_pagedown ()
   variable woffs;
      call ("page_down");
   brief_store_last_column ();
   woffs = window_line ();
   go_down (window_info ('r'));
   while (is_line_hidden() and not eobp()) go_down_1();
   recenter (woffs);   
   () = goto_column_best_try (Brief_Last_Column);   

% Prototype: brief_delete_buffer ()
% Deletes the current buffer if it is not the minibuffer.
define brief_delete_buffer ()
   if (MINIBUFFER_ACTIVE) return;
   delbuf (whatbuf ());
   brief_next_buffer (1);

unsetkey ("^F");
unsetkey ("^K");
unsetkey ("^R");
unsetkey ("^X");
unsetkey ("^W");
setkey ("scroll_up_in_place",    "^D"   );
setkey ("scroll_down_in_place",  "^E"   );
setkey ("brief_delete_to_bol",   "^K"   );
setkey ("goto_match",            "^Q["  );
setkey ("goto_match",            "^Q\e" );
setkey ("goto_match",            "^Q]"  );
setkey ("goto_match",            "^Q^]" );
setkey ("isearch_forward",       "^S"   );
setkey ("brief_line_to_bow",     "^T"   );
setkey ("brief_line_to_mow",     "^C"   );
setkey ("brief_line_to_eow",     "^B"   );
%setkey ("brief_next_error",     "^N"   );
%setkey ("brief_error_window",   "^P"   );
_for (0, 9, 1) { $0 = (); setkey("digit_arg", "^R" + string($0)); }
%setkey ("redo",                 "^U"   );
%setkey ("brief_toggle_backup",  "^W"   );
%setkey ("save_buffers_and_exit","^X"   );
%setkey ("one_window",           "^Z"   );

setkey ("brief_yank",            Key_Ins        );
setkey ("brief_delete",          Key_Del        );
setkey ("brief_home",            Key_Home       );
setkey ("brief_end",             Key_End        );
setkey ("brief_pagedown",        Key_PgDn       );
setkey ("brief_pageup",          Key_PgUp       );
setkey ("scroll_left",           Key_Shift_End  ); % should be: right of window
setkey ("scroll_right",          Key_Shift_Home ); % should be: left of window
setkey ("bskip_word",            Key_Ctrl_Left  );
setkey ("skip_word",             Key_Ctrl_Right );
setkey ("bob",                   Key_Ctrl_PgUp  );
setkey ("eob",                   Key_Ctrl_PgDn  );
setkey ("goto_top_of_window",    Key_Ctrl_Home  );
setkey ("goto_bottom_of_window", Key_Ctrl_End   );
setkey ("bdelete_word",          Key_Ctrl_BS    );
setkey ("delete_word",           Key_Alt_BS     );
setkey ("brief_open_line",       Key_Ctrl_Return);

setkey ("undo",                  Key_KP_Multiply );
setkey ("brief_copy_region",     Key_KP_Add      );
setkey ("brief_kill_region",     Key_KP_Subtract );

% setkey ("brief_copy_region_named",     Key_Ctrl_KP_Add);
% setkey ("brief_kill_region_named",     Key_Ctrl_KP_Subtract);
% setkey ("brief_yank_named",            Key_Ctrl_Ins);

setkey  ("other_window",             Key_F1         );
setkey  ("one_window",               Key_Alt_F2     );
setkey  ("split_window",             Key_F3         );
setkey  ("delete_window",            Key_F4         );
setkey  ("brief_search_cmd",         Key_F5         );
setkey  ("brief_reverse_search",     Key_Alt_F5     );
setkey  ("brief_search_cmd",         Key_Shift_F5   );
setkey  ("brief_toggle_case_search", Key_Ctrl_F5    );
setkey  ("brief_replace_cmd",        Key_F6         );
setkey  ("brief_toggle_regexp",      Key_Ctrl_F6    );
setkey  ("brief_record_kbdmacro",    Key_F7         );
%setkey  ("brief_pause_kbdmacro",     Key_Shift_F7   );
setkey  ("execute_macro",            Key_F8         );
setkey  ("emacs_escape_x",           Key_F10        );
setkey  ("compile",                  Key_Alt_F10    );

setkey  (". 4 brief_set_mark_cmd","\ea" ); % Alt A
%setkey ("list_buffers",          "\eb" ); % Alt B Buffers menu
setkey  ("brief_set_column_mark", "\ec" ); % Alt C
setkey  ("delete_line",           "\ed" ); % Alt D
%setkey ("find_file",             "\ee" ); % Alt E Edit    menu
%setkey ("display_file_name",     "\ef" ); % Alt F File    menu
setkey  ("goto_line_cmd",         "\eg" ); % Alt G
%setkey ("help_prefix",           "\eh" ); % Alt H Help    menu
%setkey ("toggle_overwrite",      "\ei" ); % Alt I Windows menu
setkey  ("bkmrk_goto_mark",       "\ej" ); % Alt J
setkey  ("kill_line",             "\ek" ); % Alt K
setkey  ("brief_line_mark",       "\el" ); % Alt L
%setkey  (". 1 brief_set_mark_cmd","\em" ); % Alt M Menu access prefix
setkey  ("brief_next_buffer(1)",  "\en" ); % Alt N
%setkey ("write_buffer",          "\eo" ); % Alt O Mode    menu
setkey  ("brief_next_buffer(-1)", "\ep" ); % Alt P; should be: print region
%setkey ("quote_next_key",        "\eq" ); % Alt Q
setkey  ("insert_file",           "\er" ); % Alt R
%setkey  ("brief_search_cmd",      "\es" ); % Alt S Search  menu
setkey  ("brief_replace_cmd",     "\et" ); % Alt T
setkey  ("undo",                  "\eu" ); % Alt U
%setkey ("brief_show_version",    "\ev" ); % Alt V
setkey  ("save_buffer",           "\ew" ); % Alt W
setkey  ("exit_jed",              "\ex" ); % Alt X
setkey (".0 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e0" ); % Alt 0
setkey (".1 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e1" ); % Alt 1
setkey (".2 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e2" ); % Alt 2
setkey (".3 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e3" ); % Alt 3
setkey (".4 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e4" ); % Alt 4
setkey (".5 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e5" ); % Alt 5
setkey (".6 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e6" ); % Alt 6
setkey (".7 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e7" ); % Alt 7
setkey (".8 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e8" ); % Alt 8
setkey (".9 brief_set_bkmrk_cmd", "\e9" ); % Alt 9

runhooks ("keybindings_hook", _Jed_Emulation);

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