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Re: Colors and modes and stuff

On 19.07.04, Dave Kuhlman wrote:
> > 
> > Is there a way to put install modes to some subdir in my home
> > directory, like ~/.jed/ or something?
> You can add directories where Jed will look first for modes.  Here
> is an example from my .jedrc:
>     public variable Jed_Home_Library = "/home/dkuhlman/.jed,/home/dkuhlman/.jed/ispell";
>     set_jed_library_path(Jed_Home_Library + "," + get_jed_library_path());

For the color scheme, you can do somethign like

     Color_Scheme_Path = Color_Scheme_Path + "," + <my_color_path>;

My mode automates this task, also taking care of the color path.
As is currently down, I'll attach it.


G.Milde at
% Extended support for a user-specific directory with private extensions
% % Copyright (c) 2003 Günter Milde and released under the terms 
% of the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later).
% Version 0.9    first public version
%         0.9.1  Jed_Highlight_Cache_Path += Jed_Home_Library;
%         0.9.2  cleanup of code and documentation,
%                custom_variable for Jed_Site_Library and Jed_Home_Library
%  * If a subdirectory .jed/ exists in Jed_Home_Directory, 
%    let Jed_Home_Directory point there,
%  * Prepend site-specific and user-specific libraries to the library path,
%  * evaluate (if existent) the file in site and home libraries
%    to enable initialization (autoloads etc).
%  * set Color_Scheme_, dfa-cache- and documentation- path
% Together with, this provides a convenient way of extending
% jed with contributed or home-made scripts.
% Write in your .jedrc (or jed.rc on winDOS)
%   require("home-lib", "/FULL_PATH_TO/")
% or put in JED_ROOT/lib and write in .jedrc 
%   require("home-lib")
% or rename to (or insert into)
% On Debian, you can put it in /etc/jed-init.d for automatic evaluation
% With the latter variants "jedrc" is found at following places (assuming UNIX)
%    ~/.jed/.jedrc
%    ~/.jedrc
%    ~/.jed/lib/jed.rc    (actually, Jed_Home_Library + "/jed.rc")
%    Jed_Site_Library + "/jed.rc"
%    JED_ROOT + "/lib/jed.rc"
% For other than the default paths use the environment variables 
% JED_HOME and JED_SITE_LIB or define Jed_Site_Library, and 
% Jed_Home_Library before evaluating
% TODO: * adapt and test for windows systems

static variable path, lib;

% --- Jed_Home_Directory ------------------------------------------

% Jed_Home_Directory is defined in, defaulting to $HOME
% If Jed_Home_Directory/.jed/ exists, point Jed_Home_Directory there,
path = path_concat(Jed_Home_Directory, ".jed");
if(2 == file_status(path))
  Jed_Home_Directory = path; 

% documentation on library functions can reside in
% Jed_Home_Directory/doc/txt/libfuns.txt or
% Jed_Home/lib/libfuns.txt (see later in this file)
if(2 == file_status(Jed_Home_Directory)) % directory does exist
   path = expand_filename(Jed_Home_Directory+"/doc/txt/libfuns.txt");
   if(1 == file_status(path))
     Jed_Doc_Files = Jed_Doc_Files + "," + path;

% backwards compatibility of jedrc-location 
% (if nonexistent, Jed_Home_Library+"/jed.rc" will be tried)
#ifdef UNIX
Default_Jedrc_Startup_File = "~/.jedrc";

% --- Jed_Site_Library and Jed_Home_Library  ------------------------

%\synopsis{Directory for site-wide non-standard slang scripts}
%  The value of this variable specifies the directory for site-wide
%  jed-slang scripts. It is a custom variable that defaults to
%    the value of the \var{JED_SITE_LIB} environment variable,
%    /usr/local/share/jed/lib or 
%    JED_ROOT/site-lib. 
%  Will be set to "" if the library directory is not present.
%\seealso{Jed_Home_Library, get_jed_library_path, set_jed_library_path}
custom_variable("Jed_Site_Library", getenv("JED_SITE_LIB"));
if (Jed_Site_Library == NULL) % no custom or environment var set
   Jed_Site_Library = "/usr/local/share/jed/lib";
if (file_status(Jed_Site_Library) != 2) % no directory
  Jed_Site_Library = path_concat(JED_ROOT, "site-lib");
if (file_status(Jed_Site_Library) != 2) % no directory
  Jed_Site_Library = "";

%\synopsis{Directory for private non-standard slang scripts}
%  The directory for private jed-slang scripts. Defaults to 
%  Jed_Home_Directory/lib.
%  Jed_Home_Library is set to "" if the given/default directory is 
%  not present.
%\seealso{Jed_Site_Library, Jed_Home_Directory, set_jed_library_path}
custom_variable("Jed_Home_Library", path_concat(Jed_Home_Directory, "lib"));
if (file_status(Jed_Home_Library) != 2) % no directory
  Jed_Home_Library = "";

% --- "register" the libraries -------------------------------------------

foreach ([Jed_Site_Library, Jed_Home_Library])
   lib = ();
   !if (2 == file_status(lib)) % directory doesnot exist
   set_jed_library_path(lib + "," 
      + get_jed_library_path());
   path = path_concat(lib, "colors");
   if (2 == file_status(path))
     Color_Scheme_Path = Color_Scheme_Path + "," + path;
   % documentation
   path = path_concat(lib, "libfuns.txt");
   if (1 == file_status(path))
     Jed_Doc_Files = path + "," + Jed_Doc_Files;
   path = path_concat(lib, "dfa");
   if (2 != file_status(path))
     path = lib;
   Jed_Highlight_Cache_Dir = path;
   Jed_Highlight_Cache_Path += "," + path;
   % Declare the public functions to jed.
   % Check for a file containing the initialization code
   % (e.g. autoload declarations).
   path = path_concat(lib, "");
   if (1 == file_status(path))
     () = evalfile(path);

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