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new version of

Dear Jed Users,

I finished a new version of the "Recent Files" mode

Besides a code cleanup and restructuring it provides a synchronization of
the recent files list among several jed sessions. 

While the old version did read the recent files list from file at startup
and saved at exit, the recent-synchro version updates the file with every
change. As this could be seen as overhead on some systems (e.g. it is
useless under pure DOS), it is configurable via the
Recent_Files_Synchronize_Cache custom variable.

As this is a major rewrite, I'd like to get some feedback before
uploading to Jedmodes.


% Provide easy access to recently opened/saved files.
% Copyright (c) 2003 Günter Milde
% Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (ver. 2 or later)
% Version:
% 1.0.1. by Guido Gonzato, <ggonza@xxxxxx>
% 2.0    by Guenter Milde <g.milde>
%        *  Use a circular array -> no hidden recent buffer
%        *  Save to file only at exit -> less writing
%        *  Save last cursor position when saving a file
%        *  Support for "restore last session" (bug fixed)
%        *  Saving cursor position for open buffers at exit (report G. Gonzato)
% 2.1    15. Okt 2002   patch by   Paul Boekholt
%        *  correct linecounting in folds
%        *  goto_column -> goto_column_best_try
%        *  custom variable RECENT_FILES_EXCLUDE (by GM, based on PB)
%        *  if the line we jump to is in a fold, open it
% 2.2    12. 11. 2002
% 	 *  documentation error cleared (Joachim Schmitz)
% 	 *  local recent-files enabled (patch by Andree Borrmann)
% 	 *  restore_session moved to jed_startup_hooks so the custom settings
% 	    are valid when the last open files will be opened
% 	    (bug report Andree Borrmann)
% 	 *  auxiliary fun save_integer removed, as integer() is
% 	    already error save when feeded a string
% 2.2.1  *  if a file is already open, dont goto line (Paul Boekholt)
%        *  made exclude default more save "^/tmp/" (Adam Byrtek)
% 2.2.2  *  add path info to the popup menu (idea by Marko Mahnic)
% 	    (recent now depends on and (> 1.1)
% 2.2.3  04-2003
% 	 *  renamed some custom variables according to J E Davies suggestions
% 	 *  parse the recent_files_file without loading to a buffer
% 	    (with arrayread_file() and a bugfix by Paul Boekholt)
% 	 *  new function recent_get_files()
% 3.0    15-01-2004
%        *  removed dependency on -> store the file records
%           in a "\n" delimited stringlist (like P. Boekholts sfrecent)
%        *  all custom variables start with "Recent_" 
%           (except Restore_Last_Session)
%           (renamed Local_Recent_List to Recent_Use_Local_Cache)
%        *  new menu option "Clear Cache"
%        *  empty cache files will be deleted (if permitted)
% 3.1    2005-03-34
%        *  made slang-2 proof: A[[0:-2]] --> A[[:-2]] (P. Boekholt)
% 3.2    2005-04-02 3.1 
%        * code cleanup and reorganisation
%        * recent_load_file is now static (was public)
%        * synchronize recent files file between different running sessions
% To activate the recent files feature, load from your 
% init file (.jedrc or jed.rc) e.g. by including the following lines
% % Optionally set custom variables (here the defaults are given) :
% variable Recent_Files_Cache_File = ".jedrecent";
% variable Recent_Max_Cached_Files  = 15;
% variable Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern = "/tmp"; % don't add tmp files
% variable Recent_Use_Local_Cache = -1; % use local if existent
% variable Restore_Last_Session = 0;    % reopen files from last session
% % Load (assuming it is in the jed library path)
% require("recent");


static variable mode = "recent";
if (_featurep(mode))

autoload("what_line_if_wide", "sl_utils");
autoload("contract_filename", "sl_utils");
autoload("buffer_dirname", "bufutils");
autoload("strread_file", "bufutils");

% --- custom variables: user-settable ----------------------------------

% (Will be appended to Jed_Home_Directory if no absolute path is given.)
%\synopsis{Name of the recent files file}
%\usage{String_Type Recent_Files_Cache_File = ".jedrecent"}
%  The file to save the recent files list to.
%\seealso{Recent_Use_Local_Cache, Recent_Files_Synchronize_Cache}
%\seealso{Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern, Recent_Files_Column_Width}
custom_variable("Recent_Files_Cache_File", "_jedrcnt");
custom_variable("Recent_Files_Cache_File", ".jedrecent");

%\synopsis{Do you want a local recent list? }
%\usage{Int_Type Recent_Use_Local_Cache = -1}
% Should use a local recent Recent_Files_Cache_File? 
% (i.e. stored in directory where jed was started)
%   -1 -- local if local cache file is present at jed startup,
%    0 -- no,
%    1 -- always local.
% Toggle (0/1) with recent_toggle_local() or the menu entry
%\seealso{Recent_Files_Cache_File, Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern, Restore_Last_Session}
custom_variable("Recent_Use_Local_Cache", -1);

%\synopsis{Number of recent files to remember}
%\usage{Int_Type Recent_Max_Cached_Files = 15}
%  How many recent opened files should be stored in the 
%  Recent_Files_Cache_File?
%\seealso{Recent_Files_Cache_File, Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern}
custom_variable("Recent_Max_Cached_Files", 15);

%\synopsis{Which files shall not be added to the recent files list?}
%\usage{String_Type Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern = "/tmp"}
%  Wildcard for files that shall not be added to the recent files list
%  (e.g. temporary files)
%  The value is a regexp pattern that is matched to the full path.
%\seealso{Recent_Files_Cache_File, Recent_Use_Local_Cache}
custom_variable("Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern", "/tmp");

%\synopsis{Reopen the buffers that were open in the last session?}
%\usage{Int_Type Restore_Last_Session = 0}
%  Should reopen the buffers that were open in the last session?
%    0 -- no, 
%    1 -- yes, 
%    2 -- only files in working directory, 
%    3 -- only if local recent list
%  If \var{Recent_Use_Local_Cache} is True, \var{recent->restore_session} 
%  restores the last session from the local \var{Recent_Files_Cache_File}.
%  \var{recent->restore_session} will not open files still open in another 
%  running session if \var{Recent_Files_Synchronize_Cache} is true. 
%\seealso{Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern, Recent_Max_Cached_Files}
custom_variable("Restore_Last_Session", 0);

%\synopsis{Max space reserved for alignment of paths in the recent files menu}
%\usage{Int_Type Recent_Files_Column_Width = 20}
custom_variable("Recent_Files_Column_Width", 20);

%\synopsis{Recent files synchronization level}
%\usage{Int_Type Recent_Files_Synchronize_Cache = 0}
% How often should the Recent_Files_Cache_File be read/saved to synchronize
% different instances of jed?
%   0 -- read at startup, save at exit
%   1 -- read with every call, save with every change
%\seealso{Recent_Files_Cache_File, Recent_Use_Local_Cache, Restore_Last_Session}
custom_variable("Recent_Files_Synchronize_Cache", 1);

% Deprecated: if recent-files-list is not wanted, don't evaluate this skript!
% custom_variable ("WANT_RECENT_FILES_LIST", 1);
if (__get_reference("WANT_RECENT_FILES_LIST") != NULL)
  if (@__get_reference("WANT_RECENT_FILES_LIST") == 0)
    error("Use Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern to stop adding of files to the recent files list");

% --- Variables ----------------------------------------------------

% expand the cache file path
!if (path_is_absolute(Recent_Files_Cache_File))
  Recent_Files_Cache_File = dircat(Jed_Home_Directory, Recent_Files_Cache_File);
!if (path_is_absolute (Recent_Files_Cache_File))
   if (getenv("TEMP") != NULL)
    Recent_Files_Cache_File = dircat(getenv("TEMP"), Recent_Files_Cache_File);

% Filename of the cache files [global, local]
static variable recent_cachefile_name =
   dircat(getcwd(), extract_filename(Recent_Files_Cache_File))];

% set local_session from 1 to 0, if no local recent file found
if (andelse{Recent_Use_Local_Cache != 1 } 
     {file_status(recent_cachefile_name[1]) != 1} )
  Recent_Use_Local_Cache = 0;

% Cache of recent files
%  (a "\n" delimited stringlist of recent file records (latest last))
%    * initialized from recent_cachefile_name[Recent_Use_Local_Cache]
%      on startup and by recent_toggle_local()
%    * updated when loading or saving to a file
%    * saved to Recent_Files_Cache_File on exit
static variable recent_files_cache;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Load, Save, Append 
% ------------------

% Load the recent files list from file
% Return "", if the Cache file doesnot exist or is inaccessible
% (e.g. after a new value of Recent_Files_Cache_File or with
%  "use local cache files" on.
static define load_cache()

	return "";
   return strread_file(recent_cachefile_name[Recent_Use_Local_Cache]);

% Return a filerecord string for the current buffer (cf. getbuf_info)
% result == "filename:line:col"
% (result == "", if file matches Exclude Pattern or no file is
% 	     	 associated with the buffer)
static define getbuf_filerecord()
   variable filename = buffer_filename(); 
   if (orelse {filename == ""}
              {string_match(filename, Recent_Files_Exclude_Pattern, 1)}
     return "";
   return sprintf("%s:%d:%d",
      	           filename, what_line_if_wide(), what_column());

% Parse the filerecord(s) string 
% ------------------------------

% Parse a file record of the recent files cache and return as array
% result = ["filename", "line", "column", "is_open"]
static define chop_filerecord(filerecord)
   variable fields = strchop(filerecord, ':', 0);
   % Backwards compatibility (old jedrecent files without line/column info)
   if (length(fields) < 4) 
     return [strjoin(fields,":"),"0", "0", "0"];
   return [strjoin(fields[[:-4]],":"), fields[[-3:]]];

% Parse a string with list of filerecords, return array of filerecord arrays
% (newest record first)
static define chop_filerecords(filerecords)
   if (filerecords == "")
     return String_Type[0];
   % split filerecords (newest record first)
   variable records = strchopr(strtrim(filerecords), '\n', 0);
   return array_map(Array_Type, &chop_filerecord, records);

% Return the filename part of an filerecord string
% "filename:line:col:open"
static define get_record_filename(filerecord)
   filerecord = strchop(filerecord, ':', 0);
   if (length(filerecord) < 4) % Backwards compatibility / error save ...
     return strjoin(filerecord,":");
     return strjoin(filerecord[[:-4]],":");

% Return array of filenames from a "\n" delimited filerecords list
static define get_record_filenames(filerecords)
   variable records = strchopr(strtrim(filerecords), '\n', 0);
   return array_map(String_Type, &get_record_filename, records);

% Cache maintenance
% -----------------

% Add a filerecord for the current buffer to the cache
% This function will be called when loading or saving to a file
static define add_to_cache()
   _pop_n(_NARGS); % remove spurious arguments from stack (when used as hook)
   variable fp, filerecord_string = getbuf_filerecord() + ":0\n";
   if (Recent_Files_Synchronize_Cache)
	variable file = recent_cachefile_name[Recent_Use_Local_Cache]; 
	fp = fopen(file, "a+");
	if (fp == NULL) verror("%s could not be opened", file);
	() = fputs(filerecord_string, fp);
	() = fclose(fp);
     recent_files_cache += filerecord_string;

% purge doublettes in the cache and reduce to Recent_Max_Cached_Files
% update the cache's line/col info
% if flag_open_files == 1, mark open files with the is_open flag.
static define update_cache(flag_open_files)
   if (Recent_Files_Synchronize_Cache)
     recent_files_cache = load_cache();
   % update line/col info for open buffers
   variable openfiles = Assoc_Type[String_Type];
	openfiles[buffer_filename()] = getbuf_filerecord();
   % there will be a spurious element openfiles[""] == ""
   % (for buffers with filename == "")
   % This does not matter, as only buffers already listed in the cache 
   % will be updated below

   % update and purge the cache
   variable filerecord, filename, i=0, 
     new_cache = "\n"; % initialize for is_substr() search (see below)
	filerecord = ();     % ["filename", "line", "column", "is_open"]
	filename = filerecord[0];
	% show(filerecord);
	% skip empty filenames (cleanup of corrupt .jedrecent files)
	if (filename == "")
	% skip doublettes
	if (is_substr(new_cache, "\n"+filename+":"))
	% (fails for "/path/foo", if "/path/foo:bar" is on the list,
	%  but this might be tolerable (given the needed effort to correct))

	% update file flags and convert to string
	if (assoc_key_exists(openfiles, filename))
	     filerecord = strcat(openfiles[filename], ":", string(1));
	  filerecord = strjoin(filerecord,":");
	% prepend to cache
	new_cache = strcat("\n", filerecord, new_cache);
	if (i >= Recent_Max_Cached_Files) 
   recent_files_cache = strtrim_beg(new_cache);

% Save the recent files list to a file, delete the file if the cache is empty
% Return 1 to tell _jed_exit_hooks to continue
static define save_cache()
   if (recent_files_cache != "")
     () = write_string_to_file(recent_files_cache, 
     () = delete_file(recent_cachefile_name[Recent_Use_Local_Cache]);
   return 1;   

% Find a file and goto given positon
% filerecord == ["filename", "line", "column", "is_open"]
static define recent_load_file(filerecord)
   % show("loading record", filerecord);
   () = find_file(filerecord[0]);
   % goto saved position
   if (what_line() != 1)     % file was already open
   () = goto_column_best_try(integer(filerecord[2]));
   % open folds
   loop (10) % while (is_line_hidden) might cause an infinite loop!
	!if (is_line_hidden) 

% reopen the files that were open in the last session of jed
static define restore_session()
   variable record, records = chop_filerecords(recent_files_cache);
   foreach (chop_filerecords(recent_files_cache))
	record = ();
	if (andelse
	    { record[3] == "1" }
	    { orelse { Restore_Last_Session != 2 }
		   { path_dirname(getcwd()) != path_dirname(record[0]) }
	    { file_status(record[0]) }
   % goto first opened buffer
   if (bufferp(path_basename(records[0][0])))

% Functions for the File>Recent_Files menu 
% ----------------------------------------

% clear the cache
static define clear_cache()
   recent_files_cache = "";

% Toggle the use of a local recent files file
 public define recent_toggle_local()
   save_cache();                                  % save the current state
   Recent_Use_Local_Cache = not(Recent_Use_Local_Cache);          % toggle
   recent_files_cache = load_cache();           % load the new recent-file
   menu_select_menu("Global.&File.&Recent Files"); % reopen menu

static define recent_files_menu_callback(popup)
   variable menu, n, i = '1', filerecord, filename, dir,
     toggle_str = ["&Use local filelist", "&Use global filelist"],
     format_str = "&%c %-"+string(Recent_Files_Column_Width)+"s %s";
   foreach (chop_filerecords(recent_files_cache))
	filerecord = ();
	% show(filerecord);
	filename= path_basename(filerecord[0]);
	dir = contract_filename(path_dirname(filerecord[0]), "");
	menu_append_item (popup, sprintf (format_str, i, filename, dir),
	   &recent_load_file, filerecord);
	% menu index: 1-9, then a-z, then A-Z, then restart
	switch (i)
	  { case '9': i = 'a'; }
	  { case 'z': i = 'A'; }
	  { case 'Z': i = '1'; }
	  {           i++;     }
   menu_append_item(popup, "Clear Cache", "recent->clear_cache");
   menu_append_item(popup, toggle_str[Recent_Use_Local_Cache], 

static define add_recent_files_popup_hook(menubar)
   variable menu = "Global.&File";

   menu_append_separator (menu);
   menu_append_popup (menu, "&Recent Files");
   menu_set_select_popup_callback (strcat (menu, ".&Recent Files"),

% Interface functions
% -------------------

% Return the recent files as an array (last saved file first)
% (e.g. for use in the minibuffer with
 public define recent_get_files()
   return get_record_filenames(recent_files_cache);

% Code run at evaluation time (usually startup)
% ---------------------------------------------

% Load the filerecords list
!if (Recent_Files_Synchronize_Cache)
  recent_files_cache = load_cache();

% Hooks

% update the cache_file when loading and saving a buffer
% 1. opening a file (no arguments, no return value)
append_to_hook("_jed_find_file_after_hooks", &recent->add_to_cache);
% 2. saving to a file (one argument, no return value)
append_to_hook("_jed_save_buffer_after_hooks", &recent->add_to_cache);

% Save the list of recent files at exit
append_to_hook("_jed_exit_hooks", &recent->save_cache);

% Create the recent-files menu topic
append_to_hook ("load_popup_hooks", &add_recent_files_popup_hook);

% Restore the last session
% !! A strange bug lets the last line count (instead of AND) when
%    the arguments of andelse are on several lines and _debug_info is 1 !!
if ( andelse {__argc == 1} {not BATCH} {Restore_Last_Session} {Restore_Last_Session != 3 or Recent_Use_Local_Cache})
  add_to_hook("_jed_startup_hooks", &restore_session);

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