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Re: An automatic file encryption/decryption package?

Joerg Sommer wrote:

You can abuse for this. If you add the necessary values to
the arrays at the begining of the file and you enable autocompression, it
should work.

It would be better to add add_compression_info() to and
use it in .jedrc:

---- .jedrc -----
add_compression_info (".gpg", "gpg --encrypt ...", "gpg --decrypt ...");

---- -----
	  "auto_compression_mode",	"compress",
	  "add_compression_info",	"compress",

---- -----
static define array_append(arr, elem)
   variable asize = length(arr) + 1;
   variable B, i;

   B = @Array_Type(_typeof(arr), asize);
   for (i = asize - 2; i >= 0; i--)
      B[i] = arr[i];
   B[asize-1] = elem;

   return B;

define add_compression_info (ext, pgmcomp, pgmuncomp)
   Compressed_File_Exts = array_append (Compressed_File_Exts, ext);
   Compress_File_Pgms = array_append (Compress_File_Pgms, pgmcomp);
   Uncompress_File_Pgms = array_append (Uncompress_File_Pgms, pgmuncomp);


static variable Compressed_File_Exts
  = [".gz", ".Z", ".bz2"];

static variable Compress_File_Pgms
  = ["gzip",

static variable Uncompress_File_Pgms
  = ["gzip -dc %s",
     "uncompress -c %s",
     "bzip2 -dc %s"

static variable Auto_Compression_Mode = 0;

static define check_is_compressed (file)
   variable ext = path_extname (file);
   variable i = where (ext == Compressed_File_Exts);

   if (length (i))
     return i[0];
   return -1;

static define _write_compressed_region (file, append)
   !if (blocal_var_exists ("Auto_Compression_Mode")
	or Auto_Compression_Mode)
     return 0;

   variable i = check_is_compressed (file);
   if (i == -1) return 0;

   variable cmd = sprintf ("%s > %s", Compress_File_Pgms[i], file);
   if (append)
     cmd = sprintf ("%s >> %s", Compress_File_Pgms[i], file);
   variable status = pipe_region (cmd);

   if (status != 0)
     verror ("%s returned %d", cmd, status);

   return 1;

static define write_compressed_region (file)
   return _write_compressed_region (file, 0);

static define append_compressed_region (file)
   return _write_compressed_region (file, 1);

static define insert_compressed_file (file)
   !if (Auto_Compression_Mode)
     return 0;

   variable i = check_is_compressed (file);
   if (i == -1)
     return 0;

   if (1 != file_status (file))
     return 0;

   variable cmd = sprintf (Uncompress_File_Pgms[i], file);

   () = run_shell_cmd (cmd);

   return 1;
static define read_compressed_file (file)
   if (insert_compressed_file (file))
	create_blocal_var ("Auto_Compression_Mode");
	return 1;
   return 0;

add_to_hook ("_jed_insert_file_hooks", &insert_compressed_file);
add_to_hook ("_jed_read_file_hooks", &read_compressed_file);
append_to_hook ("_jed_write_region_hooks", &write_compressed_region);
append_to_hook ("_jed_append_region_hooks", &append_compressed_region);

static define compressed_set_mode_hook (ext)
   variable i, file;

   !if (Auto_Compression_Mode)
     return 0;

   (file,,,) = getbuf_info ();
   i = check_is_compressed (file);
   if (i != -1)
	file = file[[0:strlen(file)-strlen(ext)-2]];
	mode_hook (file_type (file));
	return 1;
   return 0;
add_to_hook ("_jed_set_mode_hooks", &compressed_set_mode_hook);

%\synopsis{Toggle auto-compression-mode}
%\usage{auto_compression_mode ([Int_Type state])}
% The \var{auto_compression_mode} function toggles the auto-compression-mode
% on or off. When on, files whose names end with \exmp{.gz}, \exmp{.Z}, or
% \exmp{.bz2} will automatically uncompressed when read in, and compressed 
% when written out.
public define auto_compression_mode ()
   if (_NARGS)
	Auto_Compression_Mode = ();

   variable state = "OFF";

   Auto_Compression_Mode = not Auto_Compression_Mode;
   if (Auto_Compression_Mode)
     state = "ON";

   vmessage ("Auto Compression Mode: %s", state);

static define array_append(arr, elem)
   variable asize = length(arr) + 1;
   variable B, i;

   B = @Array_Type(_typeof(arr), asize);
   for (i = asize - 2; i >= 0; i--)
      B[i] = arr[i];
   B[asize-1] = elem;

   return B;

define add_compression_info (ext, pgmcomp, pgmuncomp)
   Compressed_File_Exts = array_append (Compressed_File_Exts, ext);
   Compress_File_Pgms = array_append (Compress_File_Pgms, pgmcomp);
   Uncompress_File_Pgms = array_append (Uncompress_File_Pgms, pgmuncomp);

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