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Re: [: JMR problem]

On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 04:43:14PM +0100, Guido Gonzato wrote:

> Günter, I think this could be a nice opportunity to redesign the JMR
> site - better, to rebuild it from scratch. I am very grateful to
> Francesc who opened the site and to all contributors, but to be sincere
> I find that JMR looks ugly and is badly organised.

IMHO, the worst problem is, that uploading new modes and versions is a

Theses for a new Jed Modes Repositary

Guenter Milde, 11.11.03

  * minimalistic design:
    Target audience are jed users, so the design should be functional

    As the site grows, categorization beocmes a must

  * browser independent:
    Access with mozilla, dillo, elinks, lynx and wget alike
    -> no frames, css?
  * "cool URLs don't change" -> think about versions now  

  * modularity: It should be possible to upload modes without (too much)
    interference/changes to existing modes/pages
    -> automatic listing directory (php, update script?)

  * upload solely via the sf shell access
    (In a second stage, a mode can help automatize the process)

  * Proposed Directory structure:

  /home/groups/j/je/jedmodes/htdocs/    % WWW-Root
   |- index.txt      % optional, template for generation of index.html
   |- index.html
   |- documentation
   |  |- Howtos, mode-template, README, ...
   |- modes
   |  |
   |  |- cua
   |  |  |- index.txt       % optional, template for generation of index.html
   |  |  |- index.html
   |  |  |- changelog.txt
   |  |  |-          % current version (1.1, say)
   |  |  |- cua.hlp         % help file
   |  |  |- old_versions
   |  |     |- 0.9 
   |  |        |-
   |  |        |- cua.hlp
   |  |     |- 1.0  
   |  |        |-
   |  |        |- cua.hlp
   |  |
   |  |- cuamisc
   |  |  |- index.html
   |  |  |- changelog.txt
   |  |  |- 0.9
   |  |  |  |-
   |  |  |- 1.0
   |  |  |  |-
   |  |  |- 1.1
   |  |     |-    
   |  |
   |  |- cuamouse
   |  |  |-    % lazy mode-author did not provide docu
   |  ...
   |- categories
   |  |
   |  |- language_modes                 % modi for computer languages
   |  |
   |  |- emulations
   |  |  |- cua -> ../modes/cua  % symbolic link
   |  |  ...
   |  |- utilities                      % auxiliary functions
   |  |  ...
   |  |- user-tools			% make jed more comfortable
   |  	 ...
   |- -> modes/ % symbolic link to the current version
   |- -> modes/1.1/ % link to the current version
   |- ...
   * Tradeoff between simple (e.g. cua) and consistent (e.g. cuamisc)
     versioning -> decide which is better
        simple:     + easy upgrade from mode without versions
	            + priority (shorter URL) for current version
	consistent: + consistent :-)
	 	    + version nr. of current version is transparent
   * softlinks to categories
   * softlinks to www-root allow user-friendly URL-s like
     for direct download (e.g. with wget via jed interface)
   * modes/<something>/index.html   Documentation with links to
                                    downloads and requirements
      - Provide a template under /documentation
      - In the future: generate from template with jed functions

Comments, improvements, suggestions welcome

G.Milde at

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