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Re: [slang-users] Using the tcc module

And i forgot.

As i told you in my first email, there is a major issue with the last tcc formal
Nobody that uses tcc as not more than a toy, he doesn't use the formal release,
as everyone is using the mob branch. Too much new functionality, and too many bugs
including one i reported upstream has been fixed, and which the code has to be
modified to acount the fix.

And quite possible, an exported functionality it might not work as intented, like
to create executables. But i guess this feature can be removed by the module, as
it doesn't make much sence, unless you want your editor to be a C compiler :-).

And another thing that is directed mostly for slang-devel though. It could be a
wise thing i believe, if the slsmg and tty routines, could be separated by the core
language. You see, the core language, basically the array interface, is still imho,
unbeatable in many sences, than heavily advertized programming languages, because
the syntax and semantics of the language are quite intuitive for a human being, in
this super complicated era programming world.

If slang could get threading capabilities, then it can be still has a reference.
Some also small additions, like allowing "var" instead of "variable" or "def"
instead of "define", can make it look more modern, in a silly sence though, but
sometimes this is a major factor when you choose a language.

Last but not least is, introducing lambda expressions, thus allowing a natural
way of expressing. In my experinments with slang, i created such a prototype,
that it can be used that way, but it is implemented in slang itself, thus
though it allows such anonymous expressions, is neither optimized nor it has
the clarity of a native implementation, but it is quite useful as it is, though
ugly, as it uses "`" to denote the start and the end of an expression. This can
be quite prone to errors, if there is a nested subexpression, as in that case
backticks should be doubled. See at the same repository, the slang-lib/

In any cases, include me in the loop, so i could participate, though the time
and the situations here, are very strict and strange, but i could have a look
at the next week.

Good luck.
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