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[jed-users] Can't execute a shell command with Esc-!

I suspect that it's a long directory path issue with the mini buffer or
something like that, but the symptoms are really weird.

Most of the time it works fine, but if the directory name is long there are
weird truncation artifacts in the mini-buffer, and  in certain directories
it does _nothing_, not even produce a traceback, either using the key
binding or by running do_shell_cmd directly. On at least one occasion after
trying to enable tracing and debugging it SEGV'ed.

About says: Jed Version: 0.99.19 S-Lang Version: 2.2.4

Is it because of this line in ledit.c maybe?

2235:   remake_line(132);

The directory path where it does nothing is 135 characters long... (Yeah, I
know, but try to explain the evils of deep directory hierarchies to Java
heads... :-/ )

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