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Some questions

Hi, I've customized a lot of Jed's default behavior to resemble graphical editors I'm used to. There are some details I don't know how to handle: a) Is there a function to skip_white() backwards? I noticed there isn't any bskip_white(), so I thought bskip_chars(" \t") would do the same thing, but it doesn't move the cursor position at all. When I'm looking_at(" "), for example, skip_chars(" \t") correctly skips to the right, but bskip_chars(" \t") doesn't do anything. b) Is there a way to do a skip_non_word_chars() not skipping \n? I have some functions that redefine skip_word() and bskip_word(), and I want to get rid of the behavior by which skip_word() go past the current line if all the remaining characters between cursor position and \n are non_word chars.
c) Is there a way to make menus display '\e' as '\e' and not as '^['?

Finally, I would like to ask if adding support for line wrapping without using \n (I mean, visual wrapping, like vi and other editors) is to be considered for Jed.


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