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gid/uid bug in JED

Dear John and list,

A debian user, Petr Linke, has reported a gid/uid handling bug that can be
reproduced on a modern linux system by doing the following:

1. assume the root uid.gid
2. touch /tmp/test-file
3. chown uid.gid /tmp/test-file where both uid and gid are > 32767, e.g. 32768
4. jed /tmp/test-file, make some changes to the file and save it
5. ls -la /tmp/test-file will show a wrapped uid and gid

Petr also suggested that this problem can be fixed by changing the type of
gid and uid from short to int in file.c, unix.c, os2.c, win32.c, vms.c and
in the sys_chmod function in sysdep.h

John, I can prepare this patch and submit it to this list, unless you think
there is a more Right(tm) way to solve this problem.  Whatever the case may
be, I plan to upload fixed Debian packages as soon as you give your blessing
to a particular solution.


charl p. botha

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