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cmode custom_variable C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments

Dear JEDders,

In investigating a Debian "bug report", I've come across the following.  It
seems that the custom variable in C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments is not
completely honoured.

If I set it to zero in my .jedrc (variable C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments = 0),
JED still automatically adds "//" to the beginning of newlines if the
previous line had something after the initial "//" (e.g. // hello).  If the
previous line had only "//", the beginning of the new line doesn't have "//"
automatically prepended.  With C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments, it automatically
prepends a "//" the new line even if the previous line only had "//" with
nothing after.

Is this the intention with C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments?  Shouldn't
C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments = 1 mean that "//" should NEVER be automatically


charl p. botha

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