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Re: getting SLang to print with "\n" newlines.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 02:16:14PM -0500, John E. Davis wrote:

> 2. (preferred solution)
>    int row = 0;
>    while(fgets(string,80,fptr) != NULL)
>      {
> 	SLsmg_gotoc (row, 0);
> 	SLsmg_write_string(string);
> 	row++;
>      }
>    SLsmg_refresh();
>    getchar();

Never even thought of the moving the rows solution, see how one track
our mind becomes when we're used to doing something one way?   
Bummer!   (:

> I encourage you to look at slang/demo/pager.c

I don't have this on my machine anywhere, is it part of the 
code package? I generally delete that after I build and install
a program. But I can always go get it and untar it again.  (;

Thanks a bunch.


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