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Re: [Jed-users-l] Lout Mode

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 3:35 AM, Guenter Milde
<milde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 22.02.10, George De Bruin wrote:
> > If anyone is interested, I managed to retrieve a copy of Olaf
> > Rogalsky's lout mode for jed from The Wayback Machine.  I'm attaching
> > it to this message.
> I do not see a mode attached.

I didn't see it either...  But I just sent out version 0.2b attached
to another message.

>> For the curious, this version is from 2004, and it does work with the
>> current release(s) of Jed.

> Shall I upload it to the Jedmodes? Would we need the permission of the author? If yes, how could we get it?

My attempts to track down the author have failed.  However, I think we
have sufficient permissions to place this in Jedmodes based on the

% jed_mode is written by Olaf Rogalsky,
% No license, do whatever you like with it.
% Version 0.2b, very loosly based on latex_mode

While IANAL, I believe the license comment allows us permission to
place this in Jedmodes.  Maybe if/when I become proficient in both
Lout and S-lang I will be able to update the mode (it appears that it
doesn't currently support a few Lout features...but is still quite
usable as it stands).


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