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Re: some UTF8 problems, one fixed

G. Milde <milde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> However, in UTF8 mode, quoted-insert inserts 2 bytes into the buffer 
> if the next char in the input stream is > 127, i.e. 
>   M-x quoted-insert §          
> inserts the bytes [195, 130, 167] while the input char is [194, 167].
> If the purpose would be the direct insertion of *bytes*, I would expect it
> to insert the first byte as-is even in UTF8 mode.

In 0.99-19, it will insert the first byte.  In 0.99-18, it will insert
the byte value as a wide character.  That is, the 0.99-18
quoted-insert function has a bug that was fixed in 0.99-19.  If
possible, try using 0.99-19 to see if its quoted-insert function
behaves more along the lines of what you expect.

> My most urgent problem is, that the backtick ` is heavily used in
> reStructuredText syntax and hence I would like to use another key for the
> quoted_prefix. My choice of the degree sign ° worked nice in latin-1
> encoded texts but with utf8 I can no longer pressing °° results in Â�.
> OTOH, the set of rarely used 7-bit characters that are accessible from a
> German keyboard is restricted (well, rather empty).

Emacs-mode binds the ^Q key to the quoted-insert function.  Do you
have a spare control-key that you could bind to the quoted-insert

> Tested with `xjed -n`, Jed Version: 0.99.18, 
> S-Lang Version: 2.1.3 on Debian/testing


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