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Re: DFA cache tables

On  3.03.06, John E. Davis wrote:
> Tom Frei <tfrei@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >Thank you for the advice.  I tried amending the .jedrc as outlined below,
> >but I get an S-Lang error: path_expand undefined--when I start jed on a
> >latex file.  I did create the necessary directories in my local home
> >location.  Am I missing something else?
> I am unfamiliar with path_expand.  Try using expand_filename instead.

I am very sorry I did this mistake, of course it should be expand_filename().
So you should try:

  Jed_Highlight_Cache_Dir == expand_filename("~/.jed/lib/");
  Jed_Highlight_Cache_Path += "," + Jed_Highlight_Cache_Dir;



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