Hi, This is a tecnology preview version of SLang Debugger for Jed! With this you can: - Set (and remove) breakpoints. - Temporary (one time, or N times) breakpoints. - Next (run to next instruction, skipping function calls) - Step (run to next instruction, following function calls). - Finish (run until current function exits). - "Run to cursor" - Show slang stack. - Show function call trace, with local variables. Ok, while all the above is true, this is an experimental mode using features of a development version of SLang. The 'call trace dump' feature needs also a patch to SLang (more on this below). So try this at your own risk! Ok, if i have not scared you enough, this is how to use this: - Get a working installation of Jed B0.99.17-84 (or near) and SLang-pre2-r7. - Optionally patch slang with the attached patch (this adds more features to 'dump trace', but works also without). - copy sldebug.sl (attached) to a directory on your jed library path. - add a 'require("sldebug") to slang_mode_hook(). - Optionally give a value to custom_variables (for key configuration, see top of sldebug.sl). - Open the slang source files you want to debug, and be sure those have: _debug_info=1; _traceback=1; _boseos_info=3; - Go to a source line, and place a breakpoint using 'F9' (with default bindings). This works if buffer is in slang_mode. - Do something to trigger running the statement containing the breakpoint. - A buffer containing the source pops up, with the line to execute marked. You can move around, see debugger help (F1), return to source view (F2), show stack and tracback (if slang was patched) (F3), show a list of active breakpoints (F4). - Next (F10), step (F11), Finish (F12), Toggle breakpoint (F9), run to cursor (F8), Continue (F7). I did this mostly as a "proof of concept", to see if it was possible to use bos_handler to create a debugger. More interpreter help is needed to build a real debugger, to be able to change variables in other scopes, for example (but I don't want to allow every script to do this, only the debugger, so is a complex thing to think about). A lot of refinement are needed for this: custom modes for every buffer (for example, in 'show breakpoints' buffer we need to be able to delete/disable breakpoint, or simply go to source). Also while stopped at debugger, I try to let user to do almost everything he can do normally. But two things does not work: menus (for it complex interation with it's own keymap, handled automatically by jed but not reproducible from slang), and minibuffer requests (e.g. "Buffer tempbuf not saved. Save it? (y/n)"). Right now Slang keeps the call stack in C local variables inside execute_slang_fun(), this is an easy and efficient way to do things, but sadly the only way to (portably) do a slang traceback is to exit all the recursive execute_slang_fun() dumping the functions meanwhile. This is what traceback happenings at error() time does. For a debugger this is unfeasible, and futhermore SLang already has a static data containing the call stack: Num_Args_Stack. So the idea is to move the call stack to an external structure, so it can be walked anytime without changing execution point. My patch takes a more conservative approach: it creates a static array of pointers to _pSLang_Function_Type, updated entering and exiting execute_slang_fun(), but everything else remains as before. The array can be a lot smaller than the maximum stack, and is circular, to keep always the most recent functions instead of older (this feature should be removed if this stack is unified with Num_Args_Stack). This also changes do_function_traceback() to take an offset to local frame stack (we can call it for a function that is not the current one), and a pointer to function to use for dump. I have also aligned the prototypes for _pSLerr_dump_msg (using during the new traceback) and _pSLerr_traceback_msg() (used for error() traceback). Oh, it also exports the "dump_traceback(n)" function (n is the number of frames at top to ignore: this is used to avoid dumping status of debugger functions). I John likes the idea, this new array, Num_Args_Stack, and maybe Local_Variable_Frame (index for local variables in Local_Variable_Stack) may be unified in a structure array... Comments welcome! Dino
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data