On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 02:24:54PM +0100, Joachim Schmitz wrote:
<tal:block metal:fill-slot="main"
tal:define="item options/item;
form_url string:${request/URL1};
fields options/fields;
conference options/conference">
^<div should actually be here
<span tal:condition="item" tal:content="conference/title" />
^<span should actually be here
^</div> should actually be here
this only happens after a multiline attributes value. Can you give me a
hint where to change this ?
Since it's valid for XML attributes to contain an unescaped '>' the
indentation routine can't consider a tag ended when it sees one, but
needs to check whether it's inside a string. This is done with the
jed library function parse_to_point(), which has been configured to
not consider multi-line strings in xmlmode. The latter '"' is
therefore considered to start a new string, and the '>' that should
end the start-tag is ignored.
The "solutions" that I can see are:
* Add a newline after the end of the multi-line attribute, before
the '>'.