Hi, I finally have a working installer for JED on windows. It can be found at: http://www.paneura.com/~dino/wjed.html. There is an installer for jed 0.99-16 compiled with slang 1.4.9, and a more cutting edge jed b0.99-17.56 compiled with slang-pre2-r3. The icon is a modification of jed-icon3.png, but my graphics are very poor, so better icons will be accepted! Over the standard version of slang and jed I put some patches, I'm sending here those not already sent. Unless specified, these are against slang-pre2-r3 or jed-B0.99.16-56 (but jed patches applies correctly with some fuzz to jed 0.99-16): * slang-1.4.9-fix-slsh.diff: - Fix (1.4.9 only) a problem compiling slsh on windows (already fixed in slang2). * slang-win-slsh-makefile.diff: - Add a windows makefile for slsh (using mkmake.exe). * jed-set-home-for-windows.diff: - Set home directory to some sane value (%USERPROFILE% or C:\) This should be better than before: it was using an empty string, and so picking files from current directory. * wjed-set-root-from-exe-path.diff: - Build JED_ROOT variable from full executable path. Users doesn't need to set JED_ROOT, but if they do, it is honored as before. * jed-slang-doc-on-jed-root.diff: - Add use JED_ROOT/doc for slang documentation if _slang_doc_dir is empty (as in Windows). A full list of patches can be found on the link above. I still need to take a closer look at John Skilleter patches, (his "one JED session" would be very nice). I hope this is useful. Comments welcome! Dino -- variable k,z,c=-2.0-1.5i;loop(24){loop(80){z=0i;for(k=96;(k>32)and(abs(z )<4);k--)z=z*z+c;()=printf(char(k));c+=.0375;}c=-2.0+(Imag(c)+.125)*1i;}
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Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data