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Re: [slang-users] Version 2.3.3 of the slang library released

Dear John,

thanks for the release, I will update our system next week and give it a proper test. However, one think I was noticing and want to point out is the behavior for unsigned literals. I have mentioned this a while back and I still don't know what the best way is to solve this. The issue remains so far:

   slsh> _slang_version_string;
   slsh> -1uh;
   Literal integer constant is too large for UShort_Type

I thought I mention this again so it does not get lost.


On 05.08.22 13:09, John E. Davis wrote:
Hi Folks,

I am pleased to announce the release of version 2.3.3 of the slang
library.  See<>  for links to
the source code.

This version includes a number of backward-compatible enhancements to
the interpreter and its modules, as well as support for so-called
user-defined terminfo extensions.  It is also binary compatible with
prior 2.x.y versions of the library.  The 2.3.x NEWS file is appended

I thank all those that contributed to this release.


NEWS for version 2.3.x

24 bit color support (new for version 2.3.1)

   The SLtt interface has been modified to support 24 bit (true)
   colors.  Until the next major release (version 3), this feature is
   available for 64 bit Unix/VMS systems to keep binary compatibility.
   Support for 32 bit systems will be added in version 3.

   The library tries to detect the terminal's support for 24 bit true by
   looking for the "RGB" terminfo flag.  If this flag exists, and is
   TRUE then true color will be enabled.  Note that this this flag is a
   relatively recent addition to terminfo and is defined by the
   so-called user-defined terminfo extension.  A list of terminals that
   support true color may be found at<>.

   If the terminal supports 24 bit true color, but the library does not
   detect it, then set the value of the environment variable COLORTERM
   to either "24bit" or "truecolor", e.g.,

       export COLORTERM=truecolor

   To use 24 bit color in applications such as jed and slrn, use a
   24bit RGB value in the form "#RRGGBB" as the name of the color.
   For example, to set the color of the status line in jed to AliceBlue
   (#F0F8FF) on a SlateGray (#708090) background, use

       set_color ("status", "#F0F8FF", "#708090");

   in the .jedrc file.  In slrn, to set the color of the author name to
   the above colors use

       color author "#F0F8FF" "#708090"

   in the .slrnrc file.  Also note other character attributes may be
   specified, e.g., "#F0F8FF;italics;underline".

New Modules

    1. base64: A base64 encoder/decoder module
    2. chksum: A module for computing various checksums (md5, sha1, ...)
    3. stats: A statistics module
    4. histogram: A histogram module
    5. json: Encode/decode json structures

Module Updates

    stats-module: Added Anderson-Darling normality and
      k-sample tests (version 2.3.1)
      Added a cumulant function (version 2.3.3)

      8, 16, and 32 bit CRCs were added (version 2.3.3)
      sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512 added (version 2.3.3)
      HMAC added (version 2.3.3)

Intrinsic Functions

    The following intrinsic functions have been added for 2.3.x:

      sincos : returns both sin and cos in one function call

      get/setitimer: get/set an interval timer

      wherefirstmin/max, wherelastmin/max: returns index for first/last
        min/max values of an array

      wherefirst_eq/ne/gt/lt/ge/le, where_last_eq/ne/gt/lt/ge/le:
      returns first/last index of an array where the array value is
      eq/ne/gt/lt/ge/le of a specified value. (version 2.3.1)

      wherediff: returns indices where adjacient elements of an array

      bstrjoin, bstrcat: like strjoin/strcat but for binary strings.

      get_environ: returns an array of currently defined environment variables.

      getrusage: Get resource usage

      lchown: Change ownership of a symbolic link

      get/set_printable_bstring_size: Get/set the length of the
      printable representation of binary strings. (version 2.3.1)

      statvfs: Intrinsic that wraps statvfs POSIX function that returns
      file system statistics. (version 2.3.1)

      _ftime:  returns the number of (wallclock) seconds since an epoch
      (version 2.3.1)

      wchars_to_string/string_to_wchars: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string
      to and from an array of Unicode characters. (version 2.3.1)

      _array_byteswap: used to convert the values of an array from one
      endianness to another (version 2.3.2)

      fclock: Apply an advisory lock (version 2.3.3)

    The following functions have been enhanced:

      stat_file was modifed to accept an open file descriptor (version

      array_map modified to support multiple return values.

      is_substrbytes: Added support for an optional offset into the

      _push_struct_field_values: An optional argument may be used to
      specify the fields to be pushed. (version 2.3.1)

      fgetslines: Added support for a "trim" qualifier to indicate how
      leading/trailing whitespace is to be handled (version 2.3.3)

Interpreter Syntax

    The step parameter was made optional for the _for statement.

    Struct field names may be an arbitrary string:

          X = struct {"some-field", some_other_field };
          X.some_other_field = 3;
          X."some-field" = 4;

    String literals now support \uABCD to specify a 32 bit unicode
    character.  Previously, the braces were required (\u{ABCD}).
    (version 2.3.1)

    A reserved word may be used for a struct field name without quoting
    it (version 2.3.2)

slsh library (used by conforming slang apps such as jed, slrn, ...)
=================================================================== Functions that facilitate walking the filesystem. Set of functions dealing with lists and list-based
      structures (e.g., heaps).

    rearrange: Performs an in-place arrangement of values in an array
      or list (defined in Parses timestamp strings such as Thu May 14 18:05:05
      2020 and returns the number of seconds since the Unix epoch
      (version 2.3.3)

    slcov: produces an LCOV compatible code coverage data for slang
      scripts (version 2.3.3).  See<>
      for some examples


    Using "who" at the slsh> prompt will list the names/values of
    variables and functions defined at the prompt.

API News

    Note: The slang 2.3.x API is backward binary compatible with slang

    The size of the interpreter's runtime stack is now dynamically
    allocated and can grow up to a maximum configured size (version

    Added support for TERMINFO_DIR (version 2.3.3)

    Font attributes (italics, bold, underline, ...) may be enabled for
    terminals that support them by using a color name with a qualifier:

        SLtt_set_color ("menu", "white;italics", "blue");
        SLtt_set_color ("comment", "black;underline;italics", "cyan");

    SLang_init_tty: if flow control parameter is negative, the
    terminal's flow control setting will not be changed.

    New functions:

      Functions for dealing with qualifiers passed to intrinsic

      Callback functions that allow an app additional hooks into the
      slang readline functions:


      Functions for dealing with interpreter associative arrays:


      Functions for dealing with interpreter list objects:


      Functions for dealing with interpreter structures:


      Miscellaneous Functions:


Unicode Support

   Unicode tables were updated to version 10.0.0 (version 2.3.2)


   Support was added to support 32-bit terminfo database entries
   introduced by ncurses 6.1 (version 2.3.2), and (in version 2.3.3)
   for so-called user-defined terminfo extensions.  In particular, if
   the terminfo file defines RGB=true, then truecolor support will be


NEWS for version 2.2.x                                             -*-text-*-

Interpreter Enhancements

    1.  The ternary expression was added:

            expression = condition ? val1 : val2

        If condition is non-zero, then expression = val1,
         otherwise expression = val2

    2.  The break and condition statements support an optional integer
        that indicates how many loop levels the statement affects, e.g.,
        the break statement in

            while (1)
	         loop (10)
		        break 2;

        will cause both loops to be terminated.

    3.  Multiline strings have been added:

            "This is a \
	    multiline \

            `This is
	    another multiline
	    string that
	    does not require
	    a \ for continuation`

     4.  List_Type objects may be indexed using an array of indices
         instead of just a single scalar index.

     5.  (v2.2.3) Binary literal integers of the form 0bxx...x are supported.
         Here, x is 0 or 1.  The printf "%B" format specifier was added
	to format integers as binary.

     6.  (v2.2.3) The dereference operator (@) may be used in a structure
         definition to include the fields from the dereferenced
	structure, e.g.,

	  space = struct {x, y, z};
	  spacetime = struct {@space, t};

     7.  (v2.2.3) Dereferencing a scalar or vector class type now
        results in duplication of the object, e.g, @7 will produce 7.

     8.  (v2.2.3) Mergesort was made the default sorting algorithm.  See the
         array_sort for details.


    1.  zlib: A module that wraps the popular z compression library.

    2.  fork: A module that wraps the fork, exec*, and waitpid functions.

          slsh/lib/ utilizes this module to allow an
	 application to easily create subprocesses and pipelines.

    3.  sysconf: Module that implements interfaces to the posix
        sysconf, pathconf, etc. functions.

    4.  (2.2.3) csv: A module that supports the reading and writing of
        so-called Comma Separated Values files.

Intrinsic Functions

    The following intrinsic functions have been added for 2.2.x:

           equivalent to sum(x*x)

           More accurate version of exp(x)-1 for x near 0.

           More accurate version of log(1+x) for x near 0

           Creates an array from a list.

           A convenient alternative to string_match and string_match_nth

       strskipbytes (v2.2.3)
           Skip a range of bytes in a byte string.

       is_substrbytes (v2.2.3)
           Like is_substr except this works with binary strings
	  containing embedded null characters.

       strskipchar, strbskipchar (v2.2.3)
          Analogous to C ch=*p++ and ch=*p-- for UTF-8 encoded strings.

           Close an integer descriptor
           Returns the descriptor as an integer

       dup2, getsid, killpg, getpriority/setpriority
           Wraps the corresponding system functions.

       utime (v2.2.3)
           Change a file's last access and modification time.

       ldexp, frexp:
           If x == a*2^b, where 0.5<=a<1.0 then (a,b)=frexp(x),
	  and x=ldexp(a,b).

       islower, isupper, isxdigit, isalnum, isalpha, iscntrl, isprint,
       isgraph, ispunct, isblank, isascii, isspace (v2.2.3):
           Character classification functions.

       list_append, list_join (v2.2.3)
           Functions for merging two lists together.

       ttyname (v2.2.3)
           Get the name of the terminal

       timegm (v2.2.3)
           Inverse of gmtime

    The following functions have been enhanced:

           If given a single array argument, it returns the equivalent
	  of sqrt(sum(X*X)).

           Support for N arrays added for e.g., the Euclidean norm in
	  an N dimensional space (v2.2.3)

       _min, _max: (v2.2.3)
           Added support for more than two elements.

           The calling interface to this function was changed and
	  support added for arrays.

       strjoin (v2.2.3)
           delimiter made optional

       strreplace (v2.2.3)
           New usage designed to facilitate the most common case where
	  one wants to replace all the substrings.

       strtrans (v2.2.3)
           Additional character classes added (see documentation).

       string_match, string_matches (v2.2.3)
           The position argument made optional

    The following string functions have been vectorized to act upon
    arrays of strings (v2.2.3):


       slang readline enhancements:
          New functions:
	      Behaves similar to zsh up/down-line-or-search functions (v2.2.3).

	      Call external editor for line/history editing. (v2.2.3)

          Structure field completion. (v2.2.3)

          Instead of scrolling horizontally when editing a line,
	 attempt to wrap the line. (v2.2.3)

 Various set functions: unique, intersection,
	 complement,union (v2.2.3)


    Unicode tables updated to version 5.1.


NEWS for version 2.1

Building the library

    `make install' installs the shared version of the library.
    Previously `make install' installed just the static version and a
    separate step (`make install-elf') was required to install the
    shared version.  Now, `make install-static' is necessary to install
    the static one.

Interpreter News

Syntax enhancements:

    1.  Short circuiting boolean operators:

            if ((x == y) || (y == 3) && (x != 4)) ...

        (orelse and andelse are deprecated)

    2.  Structure definitions allow embdedded assignment expressions:

            s = struct {x = 3, name="foo", a = [1:10]};

    3.  Qualifiers (aka "keywords") added to the language:

            save_file ("foo.c"; overwrite=1);
	   plot_points ([1:10], sin([1:10]); color="red", style="solid");

    3.  Expressions such as (a < b < c) now interpreted to mean

    4.  New keywords: ifnot, then

        ifnot may be used instead of !if, which has been deprecated.
        For "then" see the next item.

    5.  Looping constructs support a "then" clause that will get
        executed if the loop runs to completion, e.g.,

            loop (20)
	       if (this ())
	         break;  % The then clause will NOT get executed
	   then do_that ();

    6.  A floating point array of exactly N elements may be created
        using the form [a:b:#N], where the elements are uniformly
        spaced and run from a to b, inclusive.

    7.  References to array elements and structure fields are
        supported, e.g., &A[3], &

    8.  An exception may be rethrown by calling "throw" without any

            try { something (); }
	   catch AnyError: { do_this (); throw; }

New Intrinsic Functions:

    wherenot(x) :
               Equivalent to where (not(x))

    _$(str) :
               Evaluates strings with embedded "dollar" variables, e.g.,

    __push_list/__pop_list :
               Push list items onto the stack

    prod(x) :
               Computes the product of an array a[0]*a[1]*...

    minabs(x), maxabs(x):
               Equivalent to min(abs(x)) and max(abs(x))

    getpgrp,setgid, getpgid:
               Get and set the process group (Unix)
    setsid  :
               Create a new session

API News

   Although not new I feel that this point should be stressed now
   because it was not emphasized earlier: The SLarray_* functions that
   deal with indices or sizes use `SLindex_Type' instead of `int'.
   Currently, `SLindex_Type' is typedefed to be an `int', but this will
   change in a future version.  So for future compatibility, use
   `SLindex_Type' instead of `int' in functions that deal with slang
   arrays.  Similarly, instead of using SLang_pop_int for obtaining an
   array index, use SLang_pop_array_index.  See the array-specific
   examples in the documentation for more information.

   There have been significant enhancements to the slang readline
   interface.  The interface has been opened up to the interpreter
   allowing for such features as completion and a persistent history
   mechanism.  Applications wishing to take advantage of these features
   should use the new function `SLrline_open2' instead of
   `SLrline_open'.  For an example, see how this function is used in

   SLclass_patch_intrin_fun_table was added to facilitiate the patching
   of intrinsic tables during runtime.  If you have created dynamically
   loaded modules, then you may have a good idea what this function is

   The SLang_Traceback variable is now interpreted as a bitmapped
   integer providing greater flexibility and control over traceback

   SLerr_throw was added to permit applications to mimic the semantics
   of the `throw' statement.

   SLang_verror_va was added to support calling the error routines with
   a va_list argument.

slsh enhancements

   When configured to use slang's readline routines, new features
   include filename completion and persistent history.

   The profiler was rewritten to be much more friendly, flexible, and
   more accurate.

   struct_filter and struct_combine defined in have been
   made more flxible.  See their documentation for more information.

   A new function called readascii may be used for reading
   non-binary (or so-called "ascii") data files.

New modules

   The following modules have been added:

       iconv:  Performs character-set conversion using the iconv library.
       onig:   A regular expression module using oniguruma RE library.
       rand:   A random number module

For list information, visit<>.

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