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[slang-users] hdf5 module v0.3.9 released

Version 0.3.9 of SLh5, the S-Lang HDF5 module, has been released to

SLh5 is a set of S-Lang bindings to the HDF5 file format and I/O library.
It provides an importable module and associated .sl scripts which make
HDF5 callable directly from the S-Lang interpreter.

HDF5 is widely used in data- and CPU-intensive science and engineering
projects -- such as the FLASH simulator of thermonuclear explosions in
stars -- because it combines data and compiler portability with very
high performance, scalability to terabyte-size datasets, and support
for parallel I/O.

SLh5 boils the complexity of the HDF5 interface -- which consists of
hundreds of functions -- down to a few simple methods, making it very
easy to create multidimensional S-Lang arrays from HDF5 files or vice
versa.  With one exception, the top-level SLh5 interface has also been
vectorized: this allows multiple HDF5 files to be opened or created,
or multiple datasets or attributes to be read, in a single call.

Michael S. Noble

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