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[slang-users] A Nice demo of USing MMT types in C

Attached is a Demo of both a C program and the .sl program.
It is used a Active demo to teach about using MMT types,
and calling / accessing C functions / variables from inside
of the S-Lang environment.:

Ben Duncan - Business Network Solutions, Inc. 336 Elton Road Jackson MS, 39212
"Never attribute to malice, that which can be adequately explained by stupidity"
       - Hanlon's Razor
 *   This is the program testmmt.c. It is a DEMO program that is an *
 * attempt to document via a working MODEL, the S-lang C Api        *
 * using program variables, and the Memeory Managed types.          *
 *   Memory Managed Types are where we wish to have a "item"/type   *
 * that we wish to use thru our C program, but be controlled by     *
 * The S-Lang environment.                                          *
 *                                                                  *
 * Written By Ben Duncan of Jackson, MS and released under the      *
 * GPL 2 license and higher. Copyrighted 2007                       *
 * Compile with the following statement:                            *
 * gcc -shared -fPIC -I /usr/include -I ../include -W1,-R/usr/lib \ *
 *    -lm -o testmmt.c                            *
 * then copy to the slang module root directory.                    *

#include <slang.h>


static char *Module_Version_String = "$Revision: 1.0 $";

static int TEST_Type_Id = 0;

int TEST_Initialized = 0;

 * The following is our TEST structures we are going to use to      *
 * inside of the C program / S-Lang environment. Their intents'     *
 * are to modifiable, store some arbitrary type of data and be      *
 * passed around. It is ALSO the intent that multiple "NAMED"       *
 * instances of them can be created and be passed to / from the C   *
 * program for modification and access. I have CHOSEN NOT to make   *
 * make them ACCESABLE to the S-Lang interpreter, because I wish to *
 * simulate something one would do when writing a DATABASE module   *
 * or other MODULE that may take ANY kind of structure.             *

typedef struct Test_Item
    int  tli_lineid ;
    char tli_displayname [32] ;
    char tli_type [32] ;
    char tli_program [32] ;
} testitem;

typedef struct Test_Set
    char ts_heading [32] ;
    int ts_count ;
    char ts_status ;
    testitem *ts_item ; 
} testset;

 * The VARIBALES where will place our C structure fields to MAKE    *
 * the data from the ABOVE structures avialable to the S-Lang       *
 * interpreter and environment. This is done with the function      *
 * status_struct.                                                   *

char Var_ts_heading [32] ;
static int Var_ts_count ;
char Var_ts_status ;

static int  Var_tli_lineid ;
char Var_tli_displayname [32] ;
char Var_tli_type [32] ;
char Var_tli_program [32] ;

char *Var_heading_ptr = Var_ts_heading ;
char *Var_displayname_ptr = Var_tli_displayname ;
char *Var_type_ptr = Var_tli_type ;
char *Var_program_ptr= Var_tli_program ;

 * This frees the internal C structure and all of the memeory       *
 * allocated for it.                                                *

static void free_test_type (testset *ts_ptr)

   if (ts_ptr->ts_item != NULL  )
       SLfree( (char *) ts_ptr->ts_item ) ;

   SLfree ((char *) ts_ptr);


 * Our DESTRUCTOR for the MMT. Called when the envrionment          *
 * gets shutdown.                                                   * 
static void destroy_testset (SLtype type, VOID_STAR ptr)
   testset *ts_ptr = (testset *) ptr;
   (void) type;

   free_test_type (ts_ptr ) ;


 * This will create the C structures and initilize the memeory      *
 * required for it. IT IS ALSO where the Memory Managed Type (MMT)  *
 * will get created and then passed back to the S-Lang environment  *

static SLang_MMT_Type *allocate_test_type ( void )
   testitem *ti_ptr;
   testset *ts_ptr;
   SLang_MMT_Type *mmt;

   * We are NOW going to MALLOC and initilize our 2 structures.       *

   ts_ptr = (testset *) SLmalloc (sizeof (testset));
   if (ts_ptr == NULL)
        return NULL;
   memset ((char *) ts_ptr, 0, sizeof (testset));
   ts_ptr->ts_item = NULL ;

   ti_ptr = (testitem *) SLmalloc (sizeof (testitem));
   if (ti_ptr == NULL)
        free_test_type (ts_ptr) ;
        return NULL;
   memset ((char *) ti_ptr, 0, sizeof (testitem));
   strcpy(ts_ptr->ts_heading, "ORIGNAL " ) ;
   ts_ptr->ts_count = 0 ;
   ts_ptr->ts_status = 'A' ;
   ts_ptr->ts_item = ti_ptr ;

   ti_ptr->tli_lineid = 1 ;
   strcpy(ti_ptr->tli_displayname, "ORIGNAL " ) ;
   strcpy(ti_ptr->tli_type, "ORIGNAL " ) ;
   strcpy(ti_ptr->tli_program, "ORIGNAL " ) ;

   * We are NOW going to ACTUALLY create our very OWN MMT at this     *
   * point. If we get a NULL return value, we are busted, so clear    *
   * out everthing we have done to this point ....                    *

   if (NULL == (mmt = SLang_create_mmt (TEST_Type_Id, (VOID_STAR) ts_ptr)))
        free_test_type (ts_ptr) ;
        return NULL;

   return mmt;


 *  This is OUR function we call from within the interpretor to     *
 * get our MMT created. Notice HOW we DO NOT return any VALUES on   *
 * any KIND of status. We are PUSHING the MMT onto the stack, if we *
 * have sucesfully created it, otherwise we push a NULL onto the    *
 * stack. We will have to TEST inside of our S-Lang script, for the *
 * NULL value and take the necesary action if a NULL gets returned. *
 * We avoid using a RETURN of any value, because then we WILL have  *
 * to deal with the return CODES as well. This is a simplier way to *
 * process the creation of a MMT item.                              *
static void create_struct ( void ) 

  SLang_MMT_Type *mmt;

  if (NULL == (mmt = allocate_test_type () ))
       (void) SLang_push_null();
       return ;

   if (-1 == SLang_push_mmt (mmt))
        SLang_free_mmt (mmt);
        (void) SLang_push_null();
        return ;

   return ;


 * The following is designed to update OUR test structures in a very*
 * simplistic mode. The following are the meanings :                *
 * First parameter is WHAT we are going to change, the second is    *
 * The VALUE to be changed                                          *
 * 1 = ts_heading, String Value                                     *
 * 2 = ts)count, INTEGER value                                      *
 * 3 = ts_status, SIngle Characer                                   *
 * 4 = tli_lineid, INTEGER value                                    *
 * 5 = tli_displayname, STRING value                                *
 * 6 = tli_type, STRING value                                       *
 * 7 = tli_program, STRING value                                    *
 *                                                                  *
 * TO KEEP THINGS simple, we are going to be PUSHING these on the   *
 * stack in REVERSE order from the interpreter. SO the FIRST        *
 * value  is going to be second and the second first, like this:    *
 * () = update_struct("MY VALUE", 1  MMT ) ;                        *
 *                                                                  *
 * Note that we are USING a "pointer" de-reference to get to the    *
 * TEST ITEMS from a pointer in the TEST SET. This is example of    *
 * One could build a simple structure head into a really complex    *
 * structure of a linked list.                                      *

static int update_struct ( void ) 
   SLang_MMT_Type *mmt ;
   int changeid ;
   int integervalue ;
   char *MyString  = NULL ;
   testset *ts_ptr ;
   testitem *ti_ptr ;

   if (NULL == (mmt = SLang_pop_mmt (TEST_Type_Id)))
     return -1 ;
   ts_ptr = SLang_object_from_mmt (mmt);

   if (ts_ptr->ts_item == NULL )
    SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
              "WE DO NOT HAVE A DETAIL LINE !!");
        SLang_free_mmt (mmt);
        return -1 ;

   ti_ptr = ts_ptr->ts_item ; 

   if (SLang_Num_Function_Args != 3 )
        SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
         return -1 ;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer(&changeid)) 
        SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
             "INVALID INTEGER ARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
         return -1 ;

   switch ( changeid )
        case 1:
           if (-1 == SLpop_string (&MyString))
               SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
                    "INVALID #1 STRING ARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
              return -1;
           sprintf( ts_ptr->ts_heading , "%-30s", MyString ) ;
           break ;

        case 2:
           if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&integervalue))
               SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
                    "INVALID #2 INTEGER ARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
              return -1;
           ts_ptr->ts_count = integervalue ;
           break ;

        case 3:
           if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&integervalue))
               SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
                    "INVALID #3 CHARACTER ARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
              return -1;
           ts_ptr->ts_status = integervalue ;
           break ;

        case 4:
           if (-1 == SLang_pop_integer (&integervalue))
               SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
                    "INVALID #4 INTEGERARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
              return -1;
           ti_ptr->tli_lineid = integervalue ;
           break ;

        case 5:
           if (-1 == SLpop_string (&MyString))
               SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
                    "INVALID #5 STRING ARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
              return -1;
           sprintf( ti_ptr->tli_displayname , "%-30s", MyString ) ;
           break ;

        case 6:
           if (-1 == SLpop_string (&MyString))
               SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
                    "INVALID #6 STRING ARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
              return -1;
           sprintf( ti_ptr->tli_type , "%-30s", MyString ) ;
           break ;
        case 7:
           if (-1 == SLpop_string (&MyString))
               SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
                    "INVALID #6 STRING ARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
              return -1;
           sprintf( ti_ptr->tli_program , "%-30s", MyString ) ;
           break ;
            SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR,
                    "INVALID # ARGUMENT PASSED !!!! " ) ;
            return -1;

   if ( MyString != NULL )
        SLfree ( MyString ) ;

   SLang_free_mmt (mmt);

   return 0 ;


 * This clears out the structure we passed back to it. It simply    *
 * resets the values to some known values for our amusement.        *
static void clear_struct ( void ) 
   SLang_MMT_Type *mmt ;
   testset *ts_ptr ;
   testitem *ti_ptr ;

   if (NULL == (mmt = SLang_pop_mmt (TEST_Type_Id)))
    SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
              "WE DO NOT HAVE A MMT TYPE !!");
        return ;
   ts_ptr = SLang_object_from_mmt (mmt);

   if (ts_ptr->ts_item == NULL )
    SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
              "WE DO NOT HAVE A DETAIL LINE !!");
        SLang_free_mmt (mmt);
        return ;

   ti_ptr = ts_ptr->ts_item ; 
   strcpy(ts_ptr->ts_heading, "RESET " ) ;
   ts_ptr->ts_count = 0 ;
   ts_ptr->ts_status = 'O' ;

   ti_ptr->tli_lineid = 1 ;
   strcpy(ti_ptr->tli_displayname, "RESET " ) ;
   strcpy(ti_ptr->tli_type, "RESET " ) ;
   strcpy(ti_ptr->tli_program, "RESET " ) ;

   SLang_free_mmt (mmt);


 * This Gets the VALUES stored on the MMT and puts them out on the  *
 * interpreter accessable variables. This is so we can have access  *
 * to whatever we have stored on our MMT structures                 *
static void status_struct ( void ) 
   SLang_MMT_Type *mmt ;
   testset *ts_ptr ;
   testitem *ti_ptr ;

   if (NULL == (mmt = SLang_pop_mmt (TEST_Type_Id)))
    SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
              "WE DO NOT HAVE A MMT TYPE !!");
        return ;
   ts_ptr = SLang_object_from_mmt (mmt);

   if (ts_ptr->ts_item == NULL )
    SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
              "WE DO NOT HAVE A DETAIL LINE !!");
        SLang_free_mmt (mmt);
        return  ;

   ti_ptr = ts_ptr->ts_item ; 

   sprintf( Var_ts_heading, "%-30s", ts_ptr->ts_heading ) ;
   Var_ts_count = ts_ptr->ts_count ;
   Var_ts_status = ts_ptr->ts_status ;

   Var_tli_lineid = ti_ptr->tli_lineid ;
   sprintf( Var_tli_displayname, "%-30s", ti_ptr->tli_displayname ) ;
   sprintf( Var_tli_type, "%-30s", ti_ptr->tli_type ) ;
   sprintf( Var_tli_program, "%-30s", ti_ptr->tli_program ) ;

   SLang_free_mmt (mmt);

 * This closes out MMT structure, freeing all memeory that was      *
 * allocated to it. BE CAREFUL, the "NAMED" variable inside of your *
 * S-Lang program will still be there, but the C structure will be  *
 * gone.                                                            *
 *                                                                  *
 * As an alternative, you MIGHT wish to leave the "MASTER"          *
 * structure "alive" but have some sort of "status" flag during the *
 * duration of the S-Lang script.                                   *
static void close_struct ( void ) 
   SLang_MMT_Type *mmt ;
   testset *ts_ptr ;
   testitem *ti_ptr ;

   if (NULL == (mmt = SLang_pop_mmt (TEST_Type_Id)))
    SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
              "WE DO NOT HAVE A MMT TYPE !!");
        return ;
   ts_ptr = SLang_object_from_mmt (mmt);

   if (ts_ptr->ts_item == NULL )
    SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
              "WE DO NOT HAVE A DETAIL LINE !!");
        SLang_free_mmt (mmt);
        return  ;

   ti_ptr = ts_ptr->ts_item ; 
   if (ti_ptr != NULL  )
       SLfree( (char *) ti_ptr ) ;

   SLfree ((char *) ts_ptr);
   SLang_free_mmt (mmt);


 * The following is designed to create our Accessable Functions,    *
 * accessable named variable, accessable constants that are         *
 * AVAILBLE to and from the interpreter. Named variable's MAYBE     *
 * marked as read only, meaning ONLY the C program can MODIFY them  *
 * CONSTANTS are where we ill set up any type of NON MODIFIABLE     *
 * variables we wish to use from inside the interpreter             *


 * See the cslang guide at 5.3.2 for more information on using      *
 * MAKE_INSTRINSIC macro.                                           *
static SLang_Intrin_Fun_Type Module_Funs [] = 

  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "CreateStruct", create_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "UpdateStruct", update_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "ClearStruct", clear_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "StatusStruct", status_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "Close_Struct", close_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),


 * See the cslang guide at 5.4.0 for more information on using      *
 * MAKE_VARIABLE macro.                                             *
static SLang_Intrin_Var_Type Module_Variables [] = {

  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Ts_Heading", &Var_heading_ptr, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),
  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Ts_Count", &Var_ts_count, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 0),
  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Ts_Status", &Var_ts_status, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 0),

  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Tli_Lineid", &Var_tli_lineid, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 0),
  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Tli_displayname", &Var_displayname_ptr, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),
  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Tli_Type", &Var_type_ptr, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),
  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Tli_Program", &Var_program_ptr, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),



 * This is the MACRO to make CONSTANTS that are avialable to  the   *
 * S-Lang environment. A Constant is a single Character or Integer  *
 * by defination.                                                   *
 * It's usage is defined as :MAKE_ICONSTANT("VAR", <int|char>)      *
 * where "VAR is our S-lang constant named variable and the next    *
 * Parameter can be a integer or a SINGLE character type            *
 * We aslo have avialable the "MAKE_ICONSTANT_T(n,v,t)" to make a   *
 * constant variable named "n" of a single VALUE of "v" of the      *
 * type of "t" (I assume SLANG_INT_TYPE or SLANG_CHAR_TYPE )        *
static SLang_IConstant_Type Module_Constants [] = {



#undef I
#undef S

 * WHere we ACTUALLY do the registration of NEW class of data types *
 * This is setting our S-Lang environment up to handle the "type"   *
 * we have created and are going to use throughout this program.    * 
 * Of important notice, is that we are ONLY setting up the "testset"*
 * and not the "testitem". This is BECAUSE testitem is NOT really   *
 * a NEW type (We could make it one) since it is a CHILD of the     *
 * testset type. As an idea, the testset could be the TYPE that     *
 * that gives you access into some sort of a linked list, but you   *
 * are not wanting the COMPLETE linked list to be of a              *
 * "type"/"class"                                                   *
static int register_test_type (void)
   SLang_Class_Type *cl;

   if (NULL == (cl = SLclass_allocate_class ("testset")))
     return -1;

   if (-1 == SLclass_set_destroy_function (cl, destroy_testset))
     return -1;

   * By registering as SLANG_VOID_TYPE, slang will dynamically        *
   * allocate a new type.                                             *
   if (-1 == SLclass_register_class (cl, SLANG_VOID_TYPE, sizeof (testset), 
     return -1;

   * This SETS up our new type indicator                              *
   TEST_Type_Id = SLclass_get_class_id (cl);

   return 0;

 *  Here we are going the initilization routines. We are creating   *
 * a NAMED space with the "_ns" module then one that does not use   *
 * the named space.                                                 *
int init_testmmt_module_ns (char *ns_name)
   SLang_NameSpace_Type *ns;

   ns = SLns_create_namespace (ns_name);
   if (ns == NULL)
     return -1;

   * WE must REGISTER any "NEW" types with S-Lang's interpreter via   *
   *    SLclass_register_class.  See the S-Lang library programmer's  *
   *    guide for more information.                                   *
  if (-1 == register_test_type ())
     return -1;

   * Ok, we are going to pass to our SLang interperter all of our     *
   * things, such as the "functions" , named variables, constants     *
   * The named VARIABLES are defined variables FROM the C program     *
   * are directly accessable to the interpreter stack for reference   *
  if ( ( -1 == SLns_add_intrin_fun_table ( ns, Module_Funs, "__TESTMMT__" ) )
       || ( -1 == SLns_add_intrin_var_table ( ns, Module_Variables, NULL ) )
       || ( -1 == SLns_add_iconstant_table ( ns, Module_Constants, NULL ) ) )
    return -1;

  TEST_Initialized = 1;

  return 0;


 *  This initilizer will do prettymuch the same thing as the above. *
 * However, it does not MAP to any namespace so everthing is        *
 * GLOBAL as far as the interperter is converned.                   *
int init_testmmt_module ( void )

  if (-1 == register_test_type ())
     return -1;

  if ( ( -1 == SLadd_intrin_fun_table ( Module_Funs, NULL ) )
       || ( -1 == SLadd_intrin_var_table ( Module_Variables, NULL ) )
       || ( -1 == SLadd_iconstant_table ( Module_Constants, NULL ) ) )
    return -1;

  TEST_Initialized = 1;

  return 0;

 *  This function is designed to "shut" down the module safely.     *
 * You can put things in it such as, freeing MALLOC'd stuff, setting*
 * variables to some sort of state, etc. It is optional             *
void deinit_module ( void )
     TEST_Initialized = 0;

************************** CUT HERE  ********************************

% Save this program as
% run from the command line as >slsh
% A TEst menu Case
% Add traceback Debug Flags
_debug_info = 1;
_traceback = 1;

import ("testmmt", "Global") ;

define print_structure ( StructIn )
   StatusStruct ( StructIn ) ;
   fprintf (stdout, "\nPrinting the STATUS data \n" ) ;
   fprintf (stdout, "Var_Ts_Heading  is |%-s| \n", Var_Ts_Heading ) ;
   fprintf (stdout, "Var_Ts_Count    is %d \n", Var_Ts_Count ) ;
   fprintf (stdout, "Var_Ts_Status    is %c \n", Var_Ts_Status ) ;

   fprintf (stdout, "Var_Tli_Lineid  is %d \n", Var_Tli_Lineid ) ;
   fprintf (stdout, "Var_Tli_Displayname  is |%-s| \n", Var_Tli_displayname ) ;
   fprintf (stdout, "Var_Tli_type  is |%-s| \n", Var_Tli_Type) ;
   fprintf (stdout, "Var_Tli_program  is |%-s| \n", Var_Tli_Program) ;


%  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "CreateStruct", create_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
%  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "UpdateStruct", update_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
%  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "GetStruct", update_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
%  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "ClearStruct", clear_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
%  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "StatusStruct", status_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),
%  MAKE_INTRINSIC_0 ( "Close_Struct", close_struct, SLANG_VOID_TYPE ),

%  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Ts_Heading", &Var_ts_heading, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),
%  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Ts_Count", &Var_ts_count, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 1),

%  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Tli_Lineid", &Var_tli_lineid, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 1),
%  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Tli_displayname", &Var_tli_displayname, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),
%  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Tli_Type", &Var_tli_type, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),
%  MAKE_VARIABLE("Var_Tli_Program", &Var_tli_program, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),

fprintf (stdout, "Creating the structures \n" ) ;
variable MyStruct = CreateStruct ( ) ; 

if ( MyStruct == NULL )
     fprintf (stdout, "WE DO NOT HAVE A STRUCTURE !!!! \n" ) ;
     exit (-1) ;

variable SecondStruct = CreateStruct ( ) ; 

if ( SecondStruct == NULL )
     fprintf (stdout, "WE DO NOT HAVE A  2nd STRUCTURE !!!! \n" ) ;
     exit (-1) ;

fprintf (stdout, "Getting the STATUS data \n" ) ;
StatusStruct ( MyStruct ) ;
print_structure ( MyStruct ) ;

variable C_VAL = 1 ;
UpdateStruct ( "NEW VALUE", C_VAL , MyStruct ) ; 
print_structure ( MyStruct ) ;

fprintf (stdout, "\n GONNA TEST SECOND STRUCTURE !!! \n " ) ;
C_VAL = 1 ;
UpdateStruct ( "SECOND STRUCTURE ", C_VAL , SecondStruct ) ; 

C_VAL = 3 ;
UpdateStruct ( 'Z' , C_VAL , SecondStruct ) ; 

C_VAL = 5 ;
UpdateStruct ( "SECOND VALUE", C_VAL , SecondStruct ) ; 
StatusStruct ( SecondStruct ) ;
print_structure ( SecondStruct ) ;

fprintf (stdout, "ALL DONE \n" ) ;

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