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[jed-users] Can't use jed as git editor, misc config questions

Hi everyone,

I'm not sure what the convention is here for splitting discrete
requests up into emails, but these are some issues I ran into recently
and was wondering if anyone else had experienced them.

I'm trying to use jed as my git config editor. However, it doesn't
seem to like being invoked "indirectly" by git. On OS X, it hangs
forever with a message "loading
/usr/local/Cellar/jed/0.99-19/jed/lib/" message.
"/usr/local/Cellar" is a general purpose location where homebrew (an
unofficial OS X package manager) stores packages. Other editors (vim,
emacs, ne, nano, mg, and joe) don't seem to hang forever when used as
a git editor, I'm not sure what jed does that's different. I tried
asking on the Unix and Linux Stack Exchange site a day ago
but didn't get much in terms of guidance. I tried grepping the
codebase for "isatty", but that didn't turn up anything obvious to me.
I'm not a C programmer; someone who is would probably have better

There are two configuration questions I can't figure out how to do.
GNU Emacs has `M-y` as an option in isearch mode for copying from the
kill ring to the isearch minibuffer. Does jed have an equivalent of

Also, I'm trying to figure out how to enable line numbers by default.
In my .jedrc, I have "toggle_line_number_mode ();". I only discovered
that function by hunting around in the S-Lang that's distributed with
jed for the name of the function that's called when using the menu to
toggle line numbers in the current buffer. However, when starting up
jed complains about "excess junk left on stack" and doesn't draw lines
numbers in the left margin. I think that I might be seeing that error
because there is no active buffer when .jedrc is run ... but I don't
know the details.

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