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[Jed-users-l] attachment test

Just a test of whether the new list machine properly transmits

Bob Bernstein   

  IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual
  addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is
  confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive persons
  with no sense of humor or irrational metaphysical beliefs.
% File:      -*- SLang -*-
% Author:        Guido Gonzato, <ggonza@xxxxxx>
% Version:       1.0.0pre4.
% Description:   this mode is designed to facilitate the editing of
%                HTML files. For Jed 0.99.15+.
% Last updated:	 8 May 2003

WRAP_INDENTS = 1; % you really want this

custom_variable ("HTML_INDENT", 2);
custom_variable ("Html_View_Cmd", "rxvt -e lynx");

static variable TRUE         = 1;
static variable FALSE        = 0;
static variable NO_PUSH_SPOT = FALSE;
static variable PUSH_SPOT    = TRUE;
static variable NO_POP_SPOT  = FALSE;
static variable POP_SPOT     = TRUE;
static variable NEWLINE      = TRUE;
static variable NO_NEWLINE   = FALSE;

% ----- %

% movement

define html_skip_tag ()
  go_right_1 ();
  () = fsearch_char ('<');

define html_bskip_tag ()
  () = bsearch_char ('<');

static define html_paragraph_separator ()
  variable cs = CASE_SEARCH;
  bol_skip_white ();
  eolp () or ffind ("<P>") or ffind ("</P>");

% inserting stuff

static define html_insert_pair_around_region (tag1, tag2)
  check_region (1);
  exchange_point_and_mark ();
  insert (tag1);
  exchange_point_and_mark ();
  insert (tag2);
  pop_spot ();
  pop_mark_0 ();

% insert a pair of tags as a single line
static define html_insert_tags (tag, newline, do_push_spot, do_pop_spot)
  variable tag1, tag2;
  tag1 = sprintf ("<%s>", tag);
  if (TRUE == newline)
    tag2 = sprintf ("</%s>\n", tag);
    tag2 = sprintf ("</%s>", tag);
  % if the current position is within a word, then select it
  if (0 == string_match (" \t\\\n", char (what_char ()), 1)) {
    % ok, the cursor is on a space
    () = right (1);
    bskip_word ();
    push_mark ();
    skip_word ();
  % if a region is defined, insert the tags around it
  if (markp () ) {
    html_insert_pair_around_region (tag1, tag2);
  insert (tag1);
  if (do_push_spot)
    push_spot ();
  insert (tag2);
  if (do_pop_spot)
    pop_spot ();

% insert a pair of tags as an 'environment'
static define html_insert_tags_env (tag, do_push_spot, do_pop_spot)
  variable tag1, tag2;
  tag1 = sprintf ("<%s>\n", tag);
  tag2 = sprintf ("</%s>\n", tag);
  variable col = what_column () - 1;
  if (markp () ) {
    html_insert_pair_around_region (tag1, tag2);
  insert (tag1);
  insert_spaces (col + HTML_INDENT);
  if (do_push_spot)
    push_spot ();
  insert ("\n");
  insert_spaces (col);
  insert (tag2);
  if (do_pop_spot)
    pop_spot ();
% insert a pair of different tags as an 'environment'
static define html_insert_different_tags_env (tag1, tag2, do_push_spot, do_pop_spot)
  %variable tag1, tag2;
  %tag1 = sprintf ("<%s>\n", tag);
  %tag2 = sprintf ("</%s>\n", tag);
  variable col = what_column () - 1;
  if (markp () ) {
    html_insert_pair_around_region (tag1, tag2);
  insert (tag1);
  insert_spaces (col + HTML_INDENT);
  if (do_push_spot)
    push_spot ();
  insert ("\n");
  insert_spaces (col);
  insert (tag2);
  if (do_pop_spot)
    pop_spot ();

% insert a pair of different tags as a single line
static define html_insert_different_tags
  (tag1, tag2, newline, do_push_spot, do_pop_spot)
  if (TRUE == newline)
    tag2 = tag2 + "\n";
  % if the current position is within a word, then select it
  if (0 == string_match (" \t\\\n", char (what_char ()), 1)) {
    % ok, the cursor is on a space
    () = right (1);
    bskip_word ();
    push_mark ();
    skip_word ();
  % if a region is defined, insert the tags around it
  if (markp () ) {
    html_insert_pair_around_region (tag1, tag2);
  insert (tag1);
  if (do_push_spot)
    push_spot ();
  insert (tag2);
  if (do_pop_spot)
    pop_spot ();

% ----- let's start: public functions

% paragraphs

define html_shortpara ()
  insert ("<P>\n");

define html_para ()
  html_insert_tags_env ("P", PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_break ()
  insert ("<BR>\n");

define html_hrule ()
  insert ("<HR SIZE=1 WIDTH=\"80%\">\n");

define html_blockquote ()
  html_insert_tags_env ("BLOCKQUOTE", PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_pre ()
  html_insert_tags_env ("PRE", PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_title (do_push_spot, do_pop_spot)
  html_insert_tags ("TITLE", NEWLINE, do_push_spot, do_pop_spot);

% headings

define html_heading_1 ()
  html_insert_tags ("H1", NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_heading_2 ()
  html_insert_tags ("H2", NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_heading_3 ()
  html_insert_tags ("H3", NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_heading_4 ()
  html_insert_tags ("H4", NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_heading_5 ()
  html_insert_tags ("H5", NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_heading_6 ()
  html_insert_tags ("H6", NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_template ()
  variable col = what_column () - 1;
  insert ("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n\n");
  insert ("<HTML>\n\n<HEAD>\n");
  insert_spaces (col + HTML_INDENT);
  html_title (PUSH_SPOT, NO_POP_SPOT);
  insert ("</HEAD>\n\n<BODY BGCOLOR=WHITE" +
          " TEXT=\"#0000FF\">\n\n</BODY>\n\n</HTML>");
  pop_spot ();

define html_frameset (push_spot, pop_spot)
    html_insert_different_tags ("<FRAMESET COLS=\"20%, 80%\">\n\n",
                                NEWLINE, push_spot, pop_spot);

define html_frame (push_spot, pop_spot)
  html_insert_different_tags ("<FRAME SRC=\"",
                              NEWLINE, push_spot, pop_spot);

define html_template_with_frames ()
  variable col = what_column () - 1;
  insert ("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\"\n");
  insert ("  \"\";>\n\n");
  insert ("<HTML>\n\n<HEAD>\n");
  insert_spaces (col + HTML_INDENT);
  html_title (PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);
  insert ("</HEAD>\n\n");
  insert ("<FRAMESET COLS=\"20%, 80%\">\n");
  html_frame (NO_PUSH_SPOT, NO_POP_SPOT);
  html_frame (NO_PUSH_SPOT, NO_POP_SPOT);
  insert ("<NOFRAMES>\n</NOFRAMES>\n");
  insert ("</FRAMESET>\n\n</HTML>\n");

% font

define html_font ()
  html_insert_different_tags ("<FONT SIZE=\"",
                              "\" COLOR=\"\" FACE=\"\">\n" + 
                              NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_address ()
  html_insert_tags ("ADDRESS", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_big ()
  html_insert_tags ("BIG", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_small ()
  html_insert_tags ("SMALL", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_sup ()
  html_insert_tags ("SUB", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_sub ()
  html_insert_tags ("SUP", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_bold ()
  html_insert_tags ("B", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_cite ()
  html_insert_tags ("CITE", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_definition ()
  html_insert_tags ("DFN", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_emphasis ()
  html_insert_tags ("EM", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_italics ()
  html_insert_tags ("I", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_keyboard ()
  html_insert_tags ("KBD", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_code ()
  html_insert_tags ("CODE", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_sample ()
  html_insert_tags ("SAMP", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_typewriter ()
  html_insert_tags ("TT", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_strong ()
  html_insert_tags ("STRONG", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_uline ()
  html_insert_tags ("U", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_var ()
  html_insert_tags ("VAR", NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_comment ()
  html_insert_different_tags_env ("<!-- ", " -->", PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

% anchors

define html_href ()
  html_insert_different_tags ("<A HREF=\"", "\"></A>",
                              NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_name ()
  html_insert_different_tags ("<A NAME=\"", "\"></A>",
                              NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

% lists

define html_dir ()
  html_insert_tags_env ("DIR", PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_li ()
  insert ("<LI>");

define html_menu ()
  html_insert_tags_env ("MENU", PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_ol ()
  html_insert_tags_env ("OL", PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_ul ()
  html_insert_tags_env ("UL", PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_dl ()
  html_insert_different_tags ("<DL COMPACT>\n", "</DL>",
                              NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

define html_dt ()
  variable col = what_column () - 1;
  insert ("<DT>");
  push_spot ();
  insert ("\n");
  insert_spaces (col + HTML_INDENT);
  insert ("<DD>");
  pop_spot ();

% alignments

define html_align_left ()
  insert (" ALIGN=LEFT");

define html_align_centre ()
  insert (" ALIGN=CENTER");

define html_align_right ()
  insert (" ALIGN=RIGHT");

define html_valign_top ()
  insert (" VALIGN=TOP");

define html_valign_middle ()
  insert (" VALIGN=MIDDLE");

define html_valign_bottom ()
  insert (" VALIGN=BOTTOM");

% tables

static variable table_columns = 3;

define html_ask_table_rows ()
    ok = 0,
    col = what_column () - 1,
    i, table_col_str;
  while (0 == ok) {
    table_col_str = read_mini ("Columns?", Null_String, "3");
    table_columns = table_col_str [0] - '0';
    if ( (table_columns > 1) and (table_columns < 10) )
      ok = 1;
    !if (ok) {
      beep ();
      message ("Wrong value! ");

define html_table_row (tag, do_push_spot)
  variable i, col = what_column () - 1;
  insert ("<TR>\n");
  for (i = 0; i < table_columns; i++) {
    insert_spaces (col + HTML_INDENT);
    insert ("<" + tag + ">");
    if ( (do_push_spot) and (0 == i) )
      push_spot ();
    insert ("</" + tag + ">\n");
  insert_spaces (col);
  insert ("</TR>\n");

define html_table ()
  html_ask_table_rows ();
  push_spot ();
  insert ("</CAPTION>\n\n<THEAD>\n\n<TFOOT>\n\n<TBODY>\n\n");
  html_table_row ("TH", NO_PUSH_SPOT);
  html_table_row ("TD", NO_PUSH_SPOT);
  insert ("\n</TABLE>");
  pop_spot ();

% image

define html_image ()
  html_insert_different_tags ("<IMG SRC=\"", 
                              "\" ALT=\"\" WIDTH=\"\" HEIGHT=\"\" " + 
                              "HSPACE=\"\" VSPACE=\"\" BORDER=\"\">",
                              NO_NEWLINE, PUSH_SPOT, POP_SPOT);

% misc

define html_view ()
  variable cmd, abc_file, abc_file_dir;
  (abc_file, abc_file_dir,,) = getbuf_info ();
  cmd = sprintf ("%s %s", Html_View_Cmd,
                 dircat (abc_file_dir, abc_file));
  if (0 != run_shell_cmd (cmd))
    error ("Could not start browser!");

% let's finish

% defining keywords is not necessary, since all the highlighting is
% done by the second and third define_syntax (). Rough, but fairly nice.

$1 = "html";
create_syntax_table ($1);
!if (keymap_p ($1)) 
  make_keymap ($1);
define_syntax ("\"([{<", "\")]}>", '(', $1);
define_syntax ('<', '\\', $1);
define_syntax ('&', '\\', $1);
define_syntax ("0-9A-Za-z>/!", 'w', $1);
define_syntax ("<>", '<', $1);

create_syntax_table ($1);
define_syntax ("<", ">", '(', $1);     %  make these guys blink match
define_syntax ("<>", '<', $1);
define_syntax ("<!-", "-->", '%', $1);
define_syntax ("A-Za-z&", 'w', $1);
define_syntax ('#', '#', $1);
set_syntax_flags ($1, 4);

% The highlighting copes with comments, "&eth;" type things, and <argh> type
% HTML tags. An unrecognised &..; construct or an incomplete <...> construct
% is flagged in delimiter colour.
static define setup_dfa_callback (name)
  dfa_enable_highlight_cache ("html.dfa", name);
  dfa_define_highlight_rule ("<!.*-[ \t]*>", "Qcomment", name);
  dfa_define_highlight_rule ("^([^\\-]|-+[^>])*-+[ \t]*>", "Qcomment", name);
  dfa_define_highlight_rule ("<!.*", "comment", name);
  dfa_define_highlight_rule ("<([^>\"]|\"[^\"]*\")*>", "keyword", name);
  dfa_define_highlight_rule ("<([^>\"]|\"[^\"]*\")*(\"[^\"]*)?$", "delimiter", 
  dfa_define_highlight_rule ("&#[0-9]+;", "keyword1", name);
  dfa_define_highlight_rule ("&[A-Za-z]+;", "Kdelimiter", name);
  dfa_define_highlight_rule (".", "normal", name);
  dfa_build_highlight_table (name);
dfa_set_init_callback (&setup_dfa_callback, "html");

() = define_keywords ($1, "&gt&lt", 3);
() = define_keywords ($1, "&ETH&amp&eth", 4);
() = define_keywords ($1, "&Auml&Euml&Iuml&Ouml&Uuml" + 
                      "&auml&euml&iuml&nbsp&ouml&quot&uuml&yuml", 5);
() = define_keywords ($1,
  "&AElig&Acirc&Aring&Ecirc&Icirc&Ocirc&THORN&Ucirc&acirc" + 
  "&aelig&aring&ecirc&icirc&ocirc&szlig&thorn&ucirc", 6);
() = define_keywords ($1, 
  "&Aacute&Agrave&Atilde&Ccedil&Eacute&Egrave&Iacute&Igrave" + 
  "&Ntilde&Oacute&Ograve&Oslash&Otilde&Uacute&Ugrave&Yacute" + 
  "&aacute&agrave&atilde&ccedil&dollar&eacute&egrave&iacute&igrave" +
  "&ntilde&oacute&ograve&oslash&otilde&uacute&ugrave&yacute", 7);

define init_menu (menu)
  % header
  menu_append_popup (menu, "&Headings");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.&Headings", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Template", "html_template");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Frameset Template", "html_template_with_frames");
  menu_append_item ($1, "H&1", "html_heading_1");
  menu_append_item ($1, "H&2", "html_heading_2");
  menu_append_item ($1, "H&3", "html_heading_3");
  menu_append_item ($1, "H&4", "html_heading_4");
  menu_append_item ($1, "H&5", "html_heading_5");
  menu_append_item ($1, "H&6", "html_heading_6");
  menu_append_popup (menu, "&Paragraph Styles");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.&Paragraph Styles", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Comment", "html_comment");  
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Break", "html_break");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Hrule", "html_hrule");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Paragraph", "html_para");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&paragraph (short)", "html_shortpara");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Block&quote", "html_blockquote");
  menu_append_item ($1, "P&re", "html_pre");
  menu_append_popup (menu, "&Font Styles");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.&Font Styles", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Address", "html_address");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Bold", "html_bold");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Big", "html_big");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Cite", "html_cite");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Definition", "html_definition");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Emphasis", "html_emphasis");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Font...", "html_font");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Italics", "html_italics");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Keyboard", "html_keyboard");
  menu_append_item ($1, "C&ode", "html_code");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Sample", "html_sample");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Small", "html_small");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Sub", "html_sub");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Sup", "html_sup");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Typewriter", "html_typewriter");
  menu_append_item ($1, "St&rong", "html_strong");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Uline", "html_uline");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Variable", "html_var");
  menu_append_popup (menu, "Alig&n");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.Alig&n", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "Align=&Left",    "html_align_left");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Align=&Center",  "html_align_centre");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Align=&Right",   "html_align_right");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Valign=&Top",    "html_valign_top");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Valign=&Middle", "html_valign_middle");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Valign=&Bottom", "html_valign_bottom");
  menu_append_popup (menu, "&Anchors");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.&Anchors", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Href", "html_href");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Name", "html_name");
  menu_append_popup (menu, "&Lists");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.&Lists", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Dl", "html_dl");
  menu_append_item ($1, "D&t", "html_dt");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Li",  "html_li");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Menu","html_menu");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Ordered", "html_ol");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Unordered", "html_ul");
  menu_append_popup (menu, "&Table");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.&Table", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Table", "html_table");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Table &Row", "html_table_row (\"TD\", 1)");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Colspan", "insert (\"COLSPAN=\")");
  menu_append_item ($1, "Row&span", "insert (\"ROWSPAN=\")");
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Nowrap", "insert (\"NOWRAP=\")");
  menu_append_popup (menu, "F&rames");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.F&rames", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "<frame&set>", "html_frameset (1, 1)");
  menu_append_item ($1, "<&frame>", "html_frame (1, 1)");
  menu_append_popup (menu, "&Image");
  $1 = sprintf ("%s.&Image", menu);
  menu_append_item ($1, "&Image", "html_image");
  menu_append_separator (menu);
  % convert to...
  menu_append_item (menu, "V&iew HTML", "html_view");

define html_keymap ()
  $1 = "html";
  !if (keymap_p ($1))
    make_keymap ($1);
  use_keymap ($1);

  % headings
  definekey_reserved ("html_bskip_tag", "^B", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_skip_tag", "^F", $1);
  % paragraph styles
  definekey_reserved ("html_comment",     "pc", $1); 
  definekey_reserved ("html_break",       "pb", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_hrule",       "ph", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_shortpara",   "pp", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_para",        "pP", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_blockquote",  "pq", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_pre",         "pr", $1);
  % headings
  definekey_reserved ("html_heading_1", "h1", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_heading_2", "h2", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_heading_3", "h3", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_heading_4", "h4", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_heading_5", "h5", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_heading_6", "h6", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_template",  "ht", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_template_with_frames",  "hf", $1);
  % frames
  definekey_reserved ("html_frameset",   "rs", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_frame",      "rf", $1);
  % fonts
  definekey_reserved ("html_address",    "fa", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_bold",       "fb", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_cite",       "fc", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_definition", "fd", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_emphasis",   "fe", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_font",       "ff", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_italics",    "fi", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_keyboard",   "fk", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_code",       "fo", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_sample",     "fs", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_typewriter", "ft", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_strong",     "fr", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_uline",      "fu", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_var",        "fv", $1);
  % alignments
  definekey_reserved ("html_align_left",   "nl", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_align_centre", "nc", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_align_right",  "nr", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_valign_top",   "nt", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_valign_middle","nm", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_valign_bottom","nb", $1);
  % anchors
  definekey_reserved ("html_href",     "ah", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_name",     "an", $1);
  % lists
  definekey_reserved ("html_dl",       "ld", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_dt",       "lt", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_li",       "ll", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_menu",     "lm", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_ol",       "lo", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_ul",       "lu", $1);
  % table
  definekey_reserved ("html_table",    "tt", $1);
  definekey_reserved ("html_table_row (\"TD\", 1)","tr", $1);
  % image
  definekey_reserved ("html_image",    "i", $1);
  % view
  definekey_reserved ("html_view",     "v", $1);
  % special characters
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&gt;\")", ">");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&lt;\")", "<");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&amp;\")", "&");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ETH;\")", "Ð");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&eth;\")", "Ð");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Auml;\")", "Ä");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Euml;\")", "Ë");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Iuml;\")", "Ï");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Ouml;\")", "Ö");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Uuml;\")", "Ü");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&auml;\")", "ä");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&euml;\")", "ë");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&iuml;\")", "ï");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ouml;\")", "ö");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&uuml;\")", "ü");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&yuml;\")", "ÿ");
  % &quot; and &nbsp; intentionally left out
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&AElig;\")", "Æ");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Acirc;\")", "Â");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Aring;\")", "Å");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Ecirc;\")", "Ê");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Icirc;\")", "Î");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Ocirc;\")", "Ô");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&THORN;\")", "Þ");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Ucirc;\")", "Û");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&acirc;\")", "â");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&aelig;\")", "æ");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&aring;\")", "å");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ecirc;\")", "ê");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&icirc;\")", "î");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ocirc;\")", "ô");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&szlig;\")", "ß");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&thorn;\")", "þ");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ucirc;\")", "û");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Aacute;\")", "Á");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Agrave;\")", "À");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Atilde;\")", "Ã");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Ccedil;\")", "Ç");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Eacute;\")", "É");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Egrave;\")", "È");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Iacute;\")", "Í");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Igrave;\")", "Ì");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Ntilde;\")", "Ñ");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Oacute;\")", "Ó");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Ograve;\")", "Ò");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Oslash;\")", "Ø");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Otilde;\")", "Õ");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Uacute;\")", "Ú");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Ugrave;\")", "Ù");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&Yacute;\")", "Ý");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&aacute;\")", "á");
#ifdef WIN32
  undefinekey ("à", $1); % prevent clash with arrow keys
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&agrave;\")", "à");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&atilde;\")", "ã");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ccedil;\")", "ç");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&dollar;\")", "$");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&eacute;\")", "é");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&egrave;\")", "è");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&iacute;\")", "í");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&igrave;\")", "ì");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ntilde;\")", "ñ");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&oacute;\")", "ó");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ograve;\")", "ò");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&oslash;\")", "ø");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&otilde;\")", "õ");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&uacute;\")", "ú");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&ugrave;\")", "ù");
  local_setkey ("insert (\"&yacute;\")", "ý");
  set_syntax_flags ($1, 8);
  use_syntax_table ($1);

%\usage{Void html_mode ();}
% This mode is designed to facilitate the editing of html files.
% If a region is defined (i.e., if a mark is set), many HTML tags will
% insert around the region; e.g. '<B>' and '</B>'. Tags are
% inserted either using the Mode menu, or with a key combination resembling 
% the menu entry, e.g. ^Cfb inserts <emphasis> (M&ode/&Fonts/<&B>).
% Variables affecting this mode include:
%  Variable                  Default value
%  HTML_INDENT               2
%  Html_View_Cmd            "netscape"
% To change the value of a variable, define that variable in .jedrc
% before loading For example:
%  variable HTML_INDENT = 3;
% Hooks: \var{html_mode_hook}
define html_mode ()
  variable mode = "html";

  set_mode (mode, 1); % wrap mode
  html_keymap ();
  set_buffer_hook ("par_sep", &html_paragraph_separator);
  mode_set_mode_info (mode, "init_mode_menu", &init_menu);
  run_mode_hooks ("html_mode_hook");

% --- End of file ---
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