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Re: Status line

Duke <dukeofperl@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> set_status_line (" Jed %v: %O %b (%m%n) (%l %c) %p %t", 1);
> Here's what it gives me.
> -------+ Jed 0.99.18:  ins .jedrc (SLang) (106 1) 106/387 2:10pm-----------

>                                                   ^^^^^^^
>                                        How do I change this to a %?

Put "LINENUMBERS = 0;" in your .jedrc file:


  Customize the status line of the current window

  set_status_line (String format, Integer flag)

  This function may be used to customize the status line of the current
  window according to the string `format'.  If the second parameter
  `flag' is non-zero, `format' will apply to the global format string;
  otherwise it applies to current buffer only.  Newly created buffer
  inherit the global format string when they appear in a window.
  The format string may contain the following format specifiers:

        %b   buffer name
        %f   file name (without the directory part)
        %F   file name with directory
        %v   JED version
        %t   current time --- only used if variable DISPLAY_TIME is non-zero
        %p   line number or percent string. If LINENUMBERS is 2, this
              expands to "line number,column number"
        %c   column number
        %%   literal '%' character
        %m   mode string
        %a   If abbrev mode, expands to "abbrev"
        %n   If buffer is narrowed, expands to "Narrow"
        %o   If overwrite mode, expands to "Ovwrt"
        %O   Overwrite/Insert flag - like %o, but shows INS/OVR
        %l   Shows current line number
        %L   Shows number of lines in the file

  For example, the default status line used by JED's EDT emulation uses
  the format string:

        "(Jed %v) EDT: %b   (%m%a%n%o)  %p,%c   Advance   %t"

  set_mode, narrow, whatbuf, getbuf_info

  DISPLAY_TIME,LINENUMBERS, Global_Top_Status_Line, Status_Line_String


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