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Re: HTML syntax highlighting

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Duke wrote:

> Hey!......
> Can't get it to work! Here's my .jedrc file. Anything in there that
> could be screwing me up? TIA...

It just swept over me that sending my ,jedrc file as an attachment may
not have been the thing to do, so here it is:

_debug_info =1;
%   User Initialization file for the JED editor  -*- slang -*-
%   If a user does not have a startup file in the user's home directory,
%   JED will automatically load this from JED_ROOT/lib.   Thus it is
%   for a system manager to make defaults for all users.

%   Do not edit this file directly.  Instead, copy it to your home
%   directory (sys$login:jed.rc on VMS or $HOME/.jedrc on Unix) and edit
%   the resulting file.

%   To uncomment a line, simply remove any leading '%' characters.

%   This file is divided into various sections.  The first section
%   to keybindings (e.g., Wordstar, Emacs, EDT, etc...) and the
%   sections pertain to user preferences such as default TAB sizes,
%   and column numbers on status line, colors, indentation style, etc...

if (BATCH == 0)

variable Jed_Home_Library = "~/jed/lib";
set_jed_library_path (Jed_Home_Library + "," + get_jed_library_path ());
Jed_Highlight_Cache_Dir = Jed_Home_Library;
Jed_Highlight_Cache_Path = Jed_Highlight_Cache_Dir + "," +
% Color_Scheme_Path = Jed_Home_Library + "/colors/" + Color_Scheme_Path;
%  Keybindings  (not loaded for batch processes)
%    Default bindings are Emacs-like with EDT emulation on Unix and VMS.
%    For the PC, only Emacs is enabled by default.  If you do not want
%    bindings, simply coment out the appropriate line.
%    For Wordstar like bindings, comment out EDT and Emacs lines and
%    uncomment Wordstar line.  A similar statement applies for BRIEF,
%    and for Borland IDE-like bindings.
() = evalfile("emacs");           % Emacs-like bindings
%  () = evalfile("edt");             % EDT emulation
%  () = evalfile ("ide");            % Borland IDE (see also
%  () = evalfile ("brief");          % Brief Keybindings (MSDOS only!!)
%  () = evalfile("wordstar");        % obsolete --- use ide instead)
%  () = evalfile ("cua");            % CUA-like key bindings
%  Note: For EDT emulation, jed386.exe requires that the GOLD.COM TSR
%        be loaded.  This TSR is available from

() = evalfile ("");
() = evalfile ("");

% Some of the above emulations may set keys that conflict with access to
% the menubars.  For example, emacs uses ESC-f to move by words.  The
% next line causes the keys to activate the menus.  Comment this out
% to preserve the emulation.
enable_menu_keys ();

% If you use jed inside an XTerminal, you can use the mouse to access
% menus and move the cursor by uncommenting the next line:
%  enable_xmouse ();

% What should the Ctrl-H key do??
%  setkey ("bol", "^H");              % causes ^H to go to beg of line
setkey ("help_prefix", "^H");      % Uncomment to have Ctrl-H as help

   % See xjed.txt for information regarding the delete key under X
   %    x_set_keysym (0xFFFF, 0, "\e[3~");
   %    setkey ("delete_char_cmd", "\e[3~");
   %  !!!!  ^S/^Q flow control problems !!!!
   %  if you experience problems with JED suddenly going into search
   %  for some reason then you are a victim of the emacs emulation's
   %  binding of the ^S key to the search function.
   %  TO prevent this from happening, either find out how to
   %  prevent unwanted ^S/^Q characters or uncomment the next line:
#ifdef UNIX
   %enable_flow_control (1);


%  Initial help screen --- comment out to disable.
%  Note that for the help to be valid, it must occur AFTER bindings are
%  loaded.

help();               % Pops up a help window

}  %Batch

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% top menu bar %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% To disable it, uncomment the next line.  Note that menus will still be
% available but the menubar will be hidden when not in use.
% enable_top_status_line (0);

set_status_line (" Jed %v: %O %b (%m%n) (%l %c) %t", 1);

% User Information (used by some modes, automatically determined on
set_realname ("Duke Normandin");
set_username ("dnormandin");
%set_hostname ("");
set_hostname ("");
set_emailaddress ("dukeofperl@xxxxxxx");

% JED global variables  --- defaults shown
#ifdef VMS UNIX
USE_ANSI_COLORS = 1;            % if non-zero, JED will display colors
on a color
                                % terminal (Unix and VMS only) See
                                % for more discussion and look below
for setting
                                % the colors.
No_Backups = 0;                 % If non-zero, backup files will not
be created.
Startup_With_File = 0;          % if greater then zero, force JED to
prompt for a file
                                %   if none is specified on the
command line.  If
                                %   negative, inhibit startup message.
DISPLAY_TIME    = 1;            % non-zero enables the time to be
displayed on
                        %  status line, zero disables it.  If this value
                        %  is -1, 24 hour time will be used.
HIGHLIGHT       = 1;    % non-zero for region highlighting
                        % Highlight syntax in C, Fortran, and TeX modes.
                        % See section on colors
                        %  below for choosing how to highlight.  On
Unix and
                        %  VMS systems, USE_ANSI_COLORS must also be
HORIZONTAL_PAN  = 20;   % if zero, no automatic panning.  If positive,
                        % the current line is panned.  If negative,
pan window.
  HORIZONTAL_PAN  = -1; % For msdos, panning window might be better:

  LINENUMBERS   = 2;    % A value of zero means do NOT display line
number on
#else                   % status line line.  A value of 1, means to
  LINENUMBERS   = 1;    % the linenumber. A value greater than 1 will
#endif                  % display column number information.  I
recommend a
                        % value of 2 only at high baud rates

BLINK           = 1;    % if non zero, blink matching parenthesis
TAB_DEFAULT     = 2;    % Tab size  (also try edit_tab_stops)
USE_TABS        = 1;    % Use tabs when generating whitespace.

Tab_Always_Inserts_Tab = 0; % Set this to 1 if you want the tab key to
                            % tabs.

WRAP            = 72;   % wrap column
ADD_NEWLINE     = 1;    % add newline to file when writing if one not
IGNORE_BEEP     = 3;    % Beep terminal during error messages---
                        %  1 == sound only, 2 = visible bell only, 3 =
_traceback      = 0;    % Non zero means dump traceback on S-Lang errors
WRAP_INDENTS    = 0;    % Non zero indents next line after wrapping
                        %  Make this a 1 if you want indented text mode.
CASE_SEARCH     = 0;    % zero turns off case sensitivity for
                        % search functions, non-zero turns it on
                        % If non-zero, kill line will kill through end
of the
                        %  line if Point is at the beginning of the
line. For
                        %  emacs-like behavior, set this to zero.


% C-mode indentation style
c_set_style ("jed"); % or "linux", "gnu", "bsd", "k&r"

% If non-zero, treat file names as case sensitive
Case_Sensitive_Filenames = 0;


% Alt-key handling.  Setting this variable controls how the
% Alt key is handled.  By default it is set to 27 (Ascii ESCAPE).
This means
% that any key pressed in conjunction with the alt key produces ESCAPE
% followed by the key itself.  If ALT-X is pressed, an ESCAPE-X is
% Set it to zero to turn off Alt key processing.  On XWindow systems,
% this to zero will cause the high bit to be set on the character.
%ALT_CHAR = 27;


%    Mute (dead or accent) keys
%    Valid Mute keys are:
%      ^, ~, ', , \d168 (ISO Diaeresis), \d180 (ISO Acute), and \".
%    This means pressing this key then the key you want to accent yields
%     the accented character.  If you do not know what this is, you do
%     need them.  By default, they are turned off.

%mute_set_mute_keys (" ^ ~ '  \d168 \d180 \"  ");  % choose all or

META_CHAR       = -1;   % All chars with hi bit set will self insert

%  DISPLAY_EIGHT_BIT = 160; % Other systems assume ISO Latin 1

% the following XWINDOW code was added by Duke on 11Nov2008
#ifdef UNIX VMS   % was ifndef XWINDOWS
%  Note that to use the colors below with MS-Kermit, do
%  'set term color 30 47' at the MS-Kermit prompt.
%  (See the file 'colors.txt' for a description of using JED with color
%  terminals.)

%  Foreground and background:
%    "black", "blue", "green", "cyan", "red", "magenta", "brown",
%  Foreground Only:
%    "gray", "brightblue", "brightgreen", "brightcyan", "brightred",
%    "brightmagenta", "yellow", "white"
%  This is a limitation of video adapters on PC systems.  For MSDOS, I
%  reprogram the controller so that high intensity background colors
may be
%  displayed.  There does not seem to be a way to do this in
%  MS-Kermit.

#ifndef UNIX VMS

% $1 = "black"; $2 = "white";
% set_color("menu", "red", "blue"); % menu bar
% set_color("normal", "green", ""); % default fg/bg
% set_color("status", "yellow", "blue");  % status or mode line
% set_color("region", $2, "green");  % for marking regions
% set_color("operator", "yellow", ""); % +, -, etc..
% set_color("number", "brightred", ""); % 10, 2.71,... TeX formulas
% set_color("comment", "brightyellow", ""); % /* comment */
% set_color("string", "brightcyan", ""); % "string" or 'char'
% set_color("keyword", "red", ""); % if, while, unsigned,...
% set_color("keyword1", "brightmagenta", ""); % malloc, exit, etc...
% set_color("delimiter", $2, ""); % {}[](),.;...
% set_color("preprocess", "brown", ""); % #ifdef ....
% set_color("message", $2, "blue"); % color for messages
% set_color("error", $2, "red"); % color for errors
% set_color("dollar", $2, "blue"); % color dollar sign continuation
% set_color("...", "red", $2);  % folding indicator

#ifdef UNIX VMS
if (USE_ANSI_COLORS) call ("redraw");

#endif      % was XWindows

% Color Settings
% Look at jed/lib/color/README for a description of predefined color
set_color_scheme ("black4");
% set_color_scheme ("blue2");

#ifdef UNIX
%  Terminal type.  By default, on Unix termcap is used.  However, some
%  (if not all) termcaps do not include AL, DL strings for vtxxx
%  True blue vt100 terminals cannot insert and delete lines so the AL
and DL
%  termcap entries are not appropriate for them.  However, almost no one
%  uses a true vt100 terminal anymore but they set their TERM variable
%  vt100 just the same.  If you do not like the way your terminal
%  and it is more than a vt100, either set your TERM variable
%  or add vt100 to the list below.

if (0)
   $1 = "vt102 vt200 vt220 vt300 vt320 vt420 xterms";
   if (is_substr($1, getenv("TERM"))) set_term_vtxxx(0);

%  Compiler interface --- uncomment one of the following:
variable Compile_Default_Compiler = "gcc";           % GNU compiler
% variable Compile_Default_Compiler = "Ultrix_cc";     % cc on Ultrix
% variable Compile_Default_Compiler = "bcc";           % Borlands BCC
% variable Compile_Default_Compiler = "sun_acc";       % SunOS C++ and
% variable Compile_Default_Compiler = "hp_cc";         % HPUX cc

#       ifdef WIN32
variable W32shell_Perform_Globbing = 0;

%  Hooks:  read jed/doc/ for more information
define global_mode_hook (hook_name)
   % if (hook_name != "c_mode_hook")
   %   local_setkey ("self_insert_cmd", "\t");

define dired_hook ()
   %local_unsetkey ("^K");
   %local_setkey ("dired_kill_line", "^K");

define set_overwrite_mode ()

 setbuf_info (getbuf_info () | 0x10);

%define text_mode_hook ()
%define fortran_hook ()
%define tex_mode_hook ()

%Switch to previous or next buffer.
%  This code originated in ide_next_buffer() in
define next_buffer (previous)
   variable n, buf;
   n = buffer_list (); % get the buffers on the stack
   if (previous)
                        _stk_reverse (n-1);
   loop (n) {
                        buf = ();
                        % Skip *scratch* and other buffers that are
not of interest.
                        if ((buf[0] == '*') or (buf[0] == ' '))
                        sw2buf (buf);
                        _pop_n (n);

% Bind Alt-.and Alt-,(Meta-period and Meta-comma) to next_buffer().
setkey ("next_buffer (0)", "\e,");
setkey ("next_buffer (1)", "\e.");

Duke Normandin
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

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