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Re: what's integer() return for non integer string

Lechee.Lai@xxxxxxxxxxxx <Lechee.Lai@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hi,
>   any method prevent integer("hello") return "Only digits may appear in an octal or decimal number" 
>  is it possible return zero for "hello"
>   or any good way check string is non digits first 

  foo = integer("hello");
catch SyntaxError:
  foo = 0;

BTW: Why slsh wants two semicolons at the end?
  try foo = integer("test"); catch SyntaxError: foo = 0;;

Bye, Jörg.
Je planmäßiger ein Mensch vorgeht,
desto stärker mag ihn der Zufall treffen.
		    Erich Krunau ‚Die Physiker‘

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