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Re: how to load a list of files into jed at startup

Joachim Schmitz wrote:

I want to load all files ending in *.py,*.pt in the current directory
and all subdirectories into Jed at startup. How can I do that ?

You can try the following code. I haven't tested it, but I use
similar code for grepping files from jed (using search_file).
When I have time to clean up the code, I will put filefinder on



define load_files(dir, filemasks, subdirs)
   variable Masks = fixup_filemasks (filemasks);
   variable FSRec = file_find_start (dir, Masks, subdirs);
   variable file = file_find_next(FSRec);
   while (file != Null_String)
      () = find_file(file);
      file = file_find_next(FSRec);

load_files(".", "*.py *.pt", 1);
% -*- mode:SLang; mode:fold; -*-
% file: v1.0
% Author: Marko Mahnic
% Used for listing directories and subdirectories

!if (is_defined("_FF_List_Type")) 
{ %{{{
   typedef struct 
   } _FF_List_Type;
% \struct{FileSearch_Type}
% \var{Dirs} _FF_List_Type. List of directories to search
% \var{Files} Array. Array of files in current directory.
% \var{Current} Integer. Next file in Files that will be returned by FileFindNext.
% \var{FileMask} Array. Array of filemasks, regular expressions. A file that is
%    returned by FileFindNext must match at least one filemask. The filemask matching
%    is not performed on directories.
% \var{Recurse} Integer. Nonzero if subdirectories should be visited
% \var{ReturnDirs} Integer. Nonzero if directory names should be returned
% \description
% Defines the search criteria and holds the current state 
% of the file search.
!if (is_defined("FileSearch_Type"))  %{{{
   typedef struct
   } FileSearch_Type;

static define _push_dir (fsrec, name) %{{{
   if (fsrec.Dirs == NULL)
      fsrec.Dirs = @_FF_List_Type;
      fsrec.Dirs.Next = NULL;
      fsrec.Dirs.Name = name;
      variable tmp = fsrec.Dirs;
      while (tmp.Next != NULL) tmp = tmp.Next;
      tmp.Next = @_FF_List_Type;
      tmp = tmp.Next;
      tmp.Next = NULL; 
      tmp.Name = name;


static define _pop_dir (fsrec) %{{{
   if (fsrec.Dirs == NULL) return;
   fsrec.Dirs = fsrec.Dirs.Next;


static define _read_directory (fsrec) %{{{
   fsrec.Current = 0;
   if (fsrec.Dirs == NULL)
      fsrec.Files = String_Type[0];
   else if (file_status (fsrec.Dirs.Name) != 2)
      fsrec.Files = String_Type[0];
   fsrec.Files = listdir (fsrec.Dirs.Name);
   variable i, fullname;
   for (i = length(fsrec.Files)-1; i >= 0; i--)
      fullname = dircat (fsrec.Dirs.Name, fsrec.Files[i]);
      % fullname = dircat (fsrec.Dirs.Name, "ab");
      if (file_status (fullname) == 2)
	 if (fsrec.Recurse)
	    _push_dir (fsrec, fullname);
	 fsrec.Files[i] = ">" + fsrec.Files[i];     % mark directory name

static define _file_matches (file, mask_list) %{{{
#ifdef MSDOS WIN32
   file = strup (file);
   variable mask;
   foreach (mask_list)
      mask = ();
      if (string_match (file, mask, 1)) return (1);
   return (0);

% \function {fixup_filemasks}
% \usage{String fixup_filemasks (String masks)}
% \param{masks} String. A space separated list of filemasks to be converted
% \return
% A semicolon separated list of regular expressions that can be used
% by file_find_start.
% \description
% changes filemasks into regexp that will be used by file_find_start
define fixup_filemasks (masks)
   variable fixed = Null_String;
   variable len = strlen (masks);
   variable i;
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      switch (masks[i]) 
         { case '*': fixed = fixed + ".*"; }
         { case '.': fixed = fixed + "\\."; }
         { case '?': fixed = fixed + "."; }
         { case ' ': fixed = fixed + "$;"; }
         { case ';': fixed = fixed + "$;"; }
         { fixed += sprintf ("%c", masks[i]); }
   fixed = fixed + "$;";

   while (str_replace (fixed, "$;$;", "$;")) fixed = ();
   while (str_replace (fixed, "$$", "$")) fixed = ();
   fixed = strtrim (fixed, ";");

   return (fixed);

% \function{file_find_start}
% \usage{FileSearch_Type file_find_start (String RootDir, String FileMask, Int Recurse)}
% \param{RootDir} String. Directory in which to search
% \param{FileMask} String. A semicolon separated list of regular expressions
% \param{Recurse} Integer. Nonzero if subdirectories should be visited
% \description
% Prepares the search structure and returns it.
define file_find_start (RootDir, FileMask, Recurse)
   variable fsrec = @FileSearch_Type;
   fsrec.Dirs = NULL;
   _push_dir (fsrec, RootDir);
# ifdef MSDOS WIN32
   FileMask = strup (FileMask);
   fsrec.FileMask = strtok (FileMask, ";");
   fsrec.Recurse = Recurse;
   fsrec.ReturnDirs = 0;    % Do not return directory names
   _read_directory (fsrec);

   return (fsrec);

% \function{file_find_next}
% \usage{String file_find_next (FileSearch_Type FSRec)}
% \param{FSRec} FileSearch_Type. The structure created with file_find_start.
% \description
% Returns the next file that matches the search criteria.
define file_find_next (FSRec)
   variable file, fullname = Null_String;
   while (fullname == Null_String and FSRec.Dirs != NULL)
      if (FSRec.Current >= length(FSRec.Files))
	 _pop_dir (FSRec);
	 if (FSRec.Recurse and FSRec.Dirs != NULL) 
	    _read_directory (FSRec);
	 file = FSRec.Files[FSRec.Current]; 
	 if (1 == is_substr (file, ">"))
	    if (FSRec.ReturnDirs)
	       fullname = dircat (FSRec.Dirs.Name, file[[1:]]);
	    variable fn = dircat (FSRec.Dirs.Name, file);
	    if (_file_matches (fn, FSRec.FileMask)) fullname = fn;
   return (fullname);

%% Testing and debugging %{{{

define DumpDirs (fsrec) %{{{
   variable item;
   insert ("\n--------------\nDirs:\n");
   if (fsrec.Dirs != NULL) {
      foreach (fsrec.Dirs) using ("Next") {
	 item = ();
	 if (item == NULL) insert ("NULL\n");
	 else insert (item.Name + "\n");
   insert ("\nFiles:\n");
   if (fsrec.Files != NULL) {
      foreach (fsrec.Files) {
	 item = ();
	 if (item == NULL) insert ("NULL\n");
	 else insert (item + "\n");
   insert ("\nMasks:");
   if (fsrec.FileMask != NULL) {
      foreach (fsrec.FileMask) {
	 item = ();
	 if (item == NULL) insert ("NULL\n");
	 else insert (item + "; ");
   vinsert ("\nCount: %d, Current: %d, Recurse: %d, RetDir: %d\n", 
	    length(fsrec.Files), fsrec.Current, fsrec.Recurse, fsrec.ReturnDirs);

define TestFF ()
   variable Test = file_find_start ("s:\\Src", "\\\\Debug\\\\.*$;\\\\Release\\\\.*$", 1);
   variable count = 0;
   variable file = file_find_next (Test);
   while ( file != Null_String )
      file = file_find_next (Test);
      flush ("Found: " + file);
   flush (sprintf ("%ld files Found.", count));
   Test = file_find_start ("s:\\Src", "\\\\Debug\\\\.*$;\\\\Release\\\\.*$", 1);
   Test.ReturnDirs = 1;
   count = 0;
   while ( file != Null_String )
      file = file_find_next (Test);
      flush ("Found: " + file);
   flush (sprintf ("%ld files Found.", count));

% TestFF();


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