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Re: updated ffx -- file dialog

> To make the recent files capable for multi sessions, it seems there is no
> other
> way to read/write from/on disk at each reference. With a hidden buffer and
> Jed's modified-query function some read's could be avoided. To speed up
> I used get_doc_string_from_file, but in slow environments it probably gets
> annoying or even unusable and this feature has to be turned off.
> Any opinion?

Here my current opinion, yet only as pseudo-code:

common logic

    if mode_sync_extra    % tries to synchronize most frequently
        mode_sync= 1

    if mode_sync        % tries to synchronize normally
        mode_file= 1     %  synchronize at minimum (startup, on change,

    file_changed_on_disk ==
        file_changed_on_disk_ or file_yet_not_loaded

actions at different places:

    at startup
        get buffer_file_strings
        if buffer_file_strings
            if mode_sync
                load file
                read file_list
                merge buffer_file_strings
            write buffer
            if mode_sync
                write file

    before file_dialog
        read buffer_list
        if file_changed_on_disk
            load file
            read file_list
            if buffer_list
                merge buffer_list
                write buffer
                if mode_sync_extra
                    write file

    after file_dialog
        if strings_to_save
            read buffer_list
            merge strings_to_save
            if (mode_sync and file_changed_on_disk)
                read file_list
                merge file_list
            write buffer
            if mode_sync
                write file

    on exit
        if (mode_file and buffer_list)
            if file_changed_on_disk
                read buffer_list
                load file
                read file_list
                merge buffer_list
                write buffer
            if file_changed_on_disk or buffer_modified
                write file

This should be self-explanatory, if not please read
this or complain and I will try to explain:

    file:          file in which file strings are saved
    buffer:        buffer in which file strings are saved
    xxx_list:      list of file strings from xxx
    load file:     load file into buffer (read_file)
    read xxx_list: read xxx_list from buffer
    merge xxx:     merge xxx to current list
    write buffer:  write current list to buffer
    write file:    write buffer to file (save_buffer)

To get it work, the merge function must respect
the time-stamps appended on each file string.
The merge function already exists:

define rcl_merge( a1, a2, m) % m: number of chars of each appended
   variable x, i, a, b, c;

   % normal map: 0:L-1-m  L-m:L-1
   % swapped:    0:m-1    m:L-1

   % remove doubles, keep latest
   a= [ a1, a2];
   a= a[array_sort(a)];
   x= Integer_Type[length(a)]; x[*]= 1;
   b= a[-1][[:-1-m]];
   for (i=2;i<=length(a);i++)
        c= a[-i][[:-1-m]];
        if ( c == b)
          x[-i]= 0;
          b= c;
   a= a[where(x)];

   % sort by time stamp
   for (i=0;i<length(a);i++)
     a[i]= a[i][[-m:]]+a[i][[:-1-m]];

   a= a[array_sort(a)];

   for (i=0;i<length(a);i++)
     a[i]= a[i][[m:]]+a[i][[:m-1]];

   return a;

Thanks for looking into this.
Comments, improvements or bugfixes welcome.

-- Klaus

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