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Re: Arrows in LaTeX4Jed

On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 02:28:47PM +0200, Guido Gonzato wrote:
> Hello,
> I have fixed the bug and added an alternative way to insert math arrows in
> LaTeX4Jed. Instead of using Joerg's implementation, which is nice but
> somewhat confusing ('->' becomes \rightarrow, but \leftarrow is given by
> '-<'), I have written this code:

> The two symbols marked by asterisk cannot by typed normally, because as
> soon as you type, say, '<-', \leftarrow is inserted. To insert
> \longleftarrow, you must type '<', `- (backquote minus), '-'. Similarly
> for \Longleftarrow. Another way would be to use a prefix: ESC 1 <- would
> insert \longleftarrow.
> Which one would you suggest I implement?

Actually, I find both of them too complicated to use, I want a quick and
easy blind-typable variant.  I got two ideas:

1. How about "< -" or "< --" for \longleftarrow?
   Pro: the spacebar is the most easy key to hit
   Con: not totally transparent/self explainable

2. Use P. Boekholts autotext and define
   new_autotext_item("<--", "\longleftarrow);
   new_autotext_item("<==", "\Longleftarrow);

   Pro: completely consitent
        actually, using autotext one can replace latex_arrow ()
	  with the according autotext definitions
	  -> more easyly customizable by the user
   Con: dependence on an external mode


Milde at

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